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Cat Deafness

Veterinarian Reviewed on June 21, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Deafness

Signs and Symptoms

Some cats are born deaf whilst others lose their hearing over time just like humans do. Either way they can continue to have a normal happy life. As the caretaker of a deaf cat, you will simply have to adapt and learn new communication skills. This will ensure that both you and your cat understand one another and you are bound to have a closer relationship because of this.

White cats with blue eyes have a higher incidence of genetic deafness.

Congenital Deafness

Congenital deafness is most common in white cats with blue eyes, however not all cats with blue eyes are deaf. Nor are all white cats with blue eyes, some are lucky and others unfortunate. Long haired cats with blue eyes tend to be more unlucky than short haired cats with blue eyes, such as Persian cats; there is no reason behind it but a simple act of nature.

Causes of Deafness

Hearing loss can be caused by several reasons, such as old age, a head injury; Cat Ear Infections, Cat Ear Hematomas, and a blockage of the ear canal, are all popular causes. Gradual deafness can occur in older cats, and will happen over time and both you and your cat will have time to get used to this fact.

It is often very difficult to tell if a cat is going deaf, you will notice small changes in your cat’s behavior and it will position its ears differently than normal. If you think that your cat is going deaf, then wait until it is asleep and make a loud bang or noise, if the cat does not wake up then it is pretty guaranteed that it is losing its hearing.

Living with a Deaf Cat

Learning to live with a deaf cat can be a challenge; you know your cat better than anybody, and simply by watching it you will know what it is thinking and feeling. Your cat will be able to ask for things and quite often only you know what your cat really wants, the bond you have is amazing.

Since your cat has no hearing to rely on, its other 3 senses will become even more heightened. Quite often deaf cats will rely on vibrations, lights and smells to understand its surroundings. By watching your cat and understanding how it is using its other senses to communicate, you will be able to help it.

Vibrations are an ideal way to call your cat. Quite often cats use vibrations to know that people are approaching. If you have wooden floors then try tapping them and see what your cat does, quite often you can teach your cat to come for dinner by tapping the connecting floors throughout your home. The vibrations will go through the wood and reach your cat; they are intelligent creatures and will soon learn that this means food. You have to remember that deaf cats will take longer to learn things, and it will always take patience and love to get them to fully understand what you are asking of them.

As long as your cat is still healthy and happy there is no reason why it won’t continue to lead a perfectly normal life. However you will not be able to allow your cat outside, there are far too many dangers including traffic, predators and other cats. Although your cat’s senses are heightened they will be confused by all of the sights, smells and vibrations that are outside. For your own peace of mind and your cats safety it is better that they become an indoor house cat.

Read also: Cat Nicotine Toxicity
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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