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Cat Osteomas

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Osteomas

An osteoma is a benign Cat Tumors of the bone. In cats they appear primarily in and around the head. They can arise along the spinal cord (Cat Spinal Cord Tumors) or long bones, but that is less common than those in the mouth, skull or jaw. When they are in the jaw area, they can become large enough to affect the temporomandibular joint. They originate from the periosteum, which is the outer layer of the bone. There is no propensity for this disease in any particular breed or sex of cat. They can arise in animals from young adult to senior age. They appear more frequently in larger and overweight cats.

Signs and Symptoms

They will appear as a hardened mass somewhere on the cat’s body. The usual location is a flat bone, more often than long bones. They grow slowly and are observed as hard masses. Growth depends on the length of time the mass has been present. Some cats will have osteomas resembling a firm mass arising from their skull.


Your veterinarian will perform a biopsy. The examination of the specimen will determine the pathology of the mass. When observed via an x-ray the main area is transparent and the outer area is opaque. There will be an excess of immature bone in the area.

Treatment Options

Unfortunately the only treatment is surgery. The mass will be removed, and in extreme cases, the bone may be removed as well.

At Home Care

As with any illness in a cat, there is a certain degree of guesswork involved. Your cat cannot tap you on the shoulder and simply tell you that they are in pain. Therefore, it is important to closely observe your cat if you notice any abnormalities or growths.

After a procedure, such as surgery, your veterinarian will order pain medication to keep your cat comfortable. It is up to you to administer the medication and keep the cat as pain free as possible.

Nutrition is important during times of healing. If your cat has surgery and is on pain medication, hunger may not be a priority to the cat. It is however vitally important. Under those circumstances, you may choose to feed your cat several meals each day rather than one or two meals a day only. If your cat is free fed, be sure they are eating enough to maintain a healthy nutritional status.

It may also be a good idea to consult with your vet about nutritional supplements post-operatively, such as Cat Cancer Dietary Supplements. These will aid in your cat’s healing process and will help to avoid other problems that can arise from malnutrition in your cat.

Rarely do osteomas reoccur. By checking out your cat when you are brushing or petting them, you can easily identify any physical changes such as Cat Lumps and bumps that arise along a bone.
Responsibility always lies with the cat owner. It is better to be on the lookout for changes in your cat’s physical and emotional state and tend to them as quickly as possible. When left alone for long periods the severity of the abnormality will increase and your cat’s health will also be at an increased risk as well.

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Read also: Cat Ear Hematomas
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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