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Cat Shedding

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Shedding

Get a Handle on Cat Shedding

Shedding is a natural process that most cats experience that allows a new coat to come in. Unfortunately, when cats shed this fur has to go somewhere and for many pet owners, this hair can end up all over the home. Tufts of hair can fall on carpets and floors, while chairs can become covered in hair and make it difficult to sit down in the home without getting hair all over clothing. If the shedding is widespread enough it can even make its way into food items. Once airborne, pet hair, and cat hair in particular, can aggravate allergies. To make matters even worse, pet owners may have trouble cleaning up the pet hair and can even break their vacuum cleaners while trying to clean up the tufts.

Understanding Cat Shedding

Shedding will occur in both long haired and short haired cats. The amount of shedding will differ based on the breed. Cats with double coats or curly coats tend to shed more than those with just a single coat. The amount a cat sheds may also differ depending on the temperature and season. In the winter, some outdoor cats will naturally develop a thicker coat to help protect them from nippy temperatures; whilst during the spring time these some cats will actually shed more.

Interestingly enough, hormone changes caused by exposure to artificial light can trigger hair shedding in indoor cats. The change of seasons and the subsequent changes in the hours of daylight can also stimulate shedding in outdoor cats. Although outdoor cats may only shed heavily twice a year, indoor cats can shed year-round thanks to the temperature changes they experience each time they go in or out of the home.

Reduce Cat Shedding

To keep cat hair from getting all over the home, cat owners can practice weekly grooming practices or even daily habits for excessive shedders. Regular baths can help keep hair from getting matted and remove hair that has fallen out. Grooming tools can be used to untangle the hair, pull out tufts of shedding hair and catch this hair before it ends up all over the floor and in the air. If cats have a double coat, an undercoat rake can be used to pull out dead hair. Grooming will usually only take a few minutes, especially if done daily. Be sure to use tools designed specifically for cats and comb or brush in fluid motions and in one direction for best results.

By adhering to Cat Dietary Requirements and make any necessary dietary changes, can also help reduce the amount of shedding your cat may experience. Cat owners can use a high quality pet food that is loaded with protein; Cat Omega Fatty Acids and antioxidants can also be incorporated into your cat’s diet to improve health and limit shedding.

Advice For Future Cat Owners

For those contemplating owning a cat but worried about the amount of shedding that will occur there are breeds that shed less than others. For those contemplating owning a cat for example, Siamese or Burmese cat breeds do not have an undercoat and will shed less. The Sphynx Cat, a practically hairless cat is also an option worth considering.

Read also: Cat Hypothyroidism
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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