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Dog Cancer Lumps

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Cancer Lumps

Lumps and bumps will appear on or under the skin of most senior dogs. Most of these are benign and are no cause for concern. If however, your dog has a new lump, you should consult with your veterinarian before making a decision. The bump needs to be evaluated. Your vet can examine the lump and do the necessary tests to determine if it is a malignant tumor.

Types of Cancer Lumps

There are several different types of cancer lumps that may appear on your dog.

Lymphomas can appear under the skin in the lymph nodes, in the liver, spleen and other organs and can lead to Dog Lymphoma Cancer. The internal lumps are felt upon examination by your vet. Those that involve lymph nodes will often appear as lumps under the skin. Some of the tumors in the lymph nodes cause no symptoms. Others can cause itching, swelling, ulcers and redness. Normal treatment is removal of the lump.


There are two basic types of sarcomas, fibrosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma. Both are aggressive and are either on the skin or directly under it. They are aggressive tumors and can spread very quickly. Removal of the tumor can include amputation at times.

Hemangiosarcoma are those that appear on the chest or abdomen and are related to sun exposure. These are dark tumors and often will ulcerate. An example of this is Dog Bone Hemangiosarcoma.

Fibrosarcomas are seen around injections sites of medication or vaccination. They will appear as firm lumps that vary in shape. One example is Dog Skin Fibrosarcoma.

Mast Cell Tumor

The appearance of a Dog Mast Cell Tumors is not uncommon. They may vary in size and shape and can also vary in the number of tumors. This is one of the types of tumors that are graded. The grade can vary from one to four with level one being a slow growing tumor and level four fast and potentially able to metastasize. Success of the treatment depends on the stage of the mast cell.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Dog Squamous Cell Carcinoma is also quite common. These are specifically associated with sun damage or skin conditions. There are two possible ways they can appear. They can appear as cauliflower-shaped lesions. These usually ulcerate and are usually present on the face or as scaly, crusty ulcerations on the legs or other parts of the body that have been irritated frequently. Radiation or surgery are the two most common types of treatment for this type of cancer. Most treatment will depend on the location.

Basal Cell tumors

This type of tumor can be malignant or benign. As with any other tumor, Dog Basal Cell Tumor should arouse some concern in the dog owner. They will usually appear on the head, chest or neck. Occasionally they are soft and fluid filled, but can also be firm and dark in color. Basal cell tumors seldom metastasize and can be removed surgically without chemotherapy in most instances.


Histiocytosis can be present in one of three forms. While only one is malignant, it is important to have it checked. It appears as a large nodule that is hairless. In most instances there will be ulcers associated with them. The malignant histiocytosis can affect the internal organs and the skin and there is no effective treatment for them.

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Additional Dog Cancer Pages

Dog Cancer | Dog Skin Cancer | Dog Bladder Cancer | Dog Pancreatic Cancer | Dog Bone Cancer | Dog Cancer Prevention | Dog Cancer Diagnosis | Dog Lymphoma Cancer | Dog Gastric Cancer | Dog Mast Cell Tumors

Read also: Dog Mast Cell Tumors
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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