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Cat Health, Cats: Cat High Blood Pressure

Cat High Blood Pressure There are many different illnesses and conditions that your cat could get over the years and the most important thing for you to do as an owner is to understand and deal with the condition. High blood pressure in cats is very common although many owners do not even realize that […]

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Cat Health: Cat Hemolytic Anemia

Cat Hemolytic Anemia The diagnosis of hemolytic anemia in your dog can be devastating. This is a type of anemia that directly affects the immune system. The red blood cells become covered with antibody proteins, which mark them for destruction. When an excessive amount of red blood cells are destroyed, the patient becomes anemic. Symptoms […]

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Cat Health: Cat Heatstroke

Cat Heatstroke Since a cat’s internal cooling system is very inefficient they can get overheated very easily. Cats do not sweat. If their temperature reaches 104 degrees, it is considered moderate heatstroke. This can be handled in about an hour with the proper care. If the heatstroke is severe and temperature reaches 106 degrees emergency […]

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Cat Health: Cat Gingivitis

Cat Gingivitis What is Gingivitis? Gingivitis occurs when there is inflammation of the gums and is considered a moderate condition resulting from periodontal disease. It can be restricted to only one tooth, but can also be widespread throughout the gums, in turn affecting numerous teeth and causing Cat Bad Breath. If gingivitis is left untreated […]

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Cat Health: Cat Cushings Disease

Cat Cushings Disease / Addison’s Disease Signs and Symptoms Cushing’s disease and Addison’s disease are both forms of adrenal gland dysfunction. While much more common in dogs, these disorders do occasionally affect cats. Feline Cushing’s disease is also known as hyperadrenocorticism and involves the overproduction of adrenal hormones. Particularly rare in cats, Addison’s disease often […]

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Cat Health: Cat Dry Eyes

Cat Dry Eyes Dry eye, which is known as medically as Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a condition where the tear glands fail to produce a sufficient amount of tears to keep the eye moist. This leads to a dry cornea in a cat’s eye. In this disorder, less of the watery substance and more of the […]

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Cat Health: Cat Difficulty Breathing

Cat Difficulty Breathing Difficulty breathing, or dyspnea, can be a life threatening situation for your cat. Your veterinarian needs to see your cat as soon as possible. A thorough history should be provided. This will include when the symptoms began, the general state of your cat’s health and whether some trauma may have occurred. Your […]

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Cat Health: Cat Detoxification

Cat Detoxification You’ve probably heard of the detoxification for humans, but what about your cat? Cats are regularly exposed to chemicals that can be harmful to them, whether it be from pollution they get from the environment (smog, etc.), chemicals in the water, chemicals used around the home, Cat Lawn Chemicals and pesticides, contaminants in […]

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Cat Health: Cat Depression

1 Signs and Symptoms 2 Diagnosis 3 Pathophysiology 4 Causes 5 Treatment Signs and Symptoms We often hear about clinical depression in people, but depression is not just a disorder of humans. Cats can suffer from depression just like the people who care for them. Depression affects the brain and nervous system, causing a number […]

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Cat Health: Cat DEET Toxicity

Cat DEET Toxicity With the warm breezes and fun days of summer, come bugs. That bottle or can of insect repellent is never more than an arms distance away. Hopefully it is behind a door that your cat cannot open! Insect repellents that contain DEET can be extremely toxic to cats. While they may be […]

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