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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Difficulty Breathing

Dog Difficulty Breathing Labored breathing, difficulty breathing, respiratory distress, all fall under the category of dyspnea. It can happen when your dog inhales or exhales. When dyspnea occurs, your pet may not be able to get enough oxygen into his system. If your dog has an underlying heart condition, it could indicate a buildup of […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Dry Eyes

Dog Dry Eyes Dry eye, which is also known medically as Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a condition where a dog’s tear glands fail to produce a sufficient amount of tears in order to keep their eyes moist. This leads to a dry cornea in the eye. In this disorder, less of the watery substance and more […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Ear Infections

Dog Ear Infections (Canine Ear Inflammation and Infection) Signs and Symptoms An ear infection, or otitis, can cause a great deal of pain, discomfort, and stress for your dog. If your dog is suffering from an infection, you will probably notice a number of symptoms. Most dogs with an ear infection will shake their head […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Ear Mites

Dog Ear Mites (Canines Otodectes Cynotis or Ticks) Signs and symptoms Ear mites are pesky little insects that can infect your dog. They are external parasites and will live on the body and in the ears of canines, although they most frequently infect the ears. The type of ear mite that most commonly affects dogs […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Ear Tumor

Dog Ear Tumor On average, benign ear tumors begin to form in the ears of dogs at 9 years of age. The most common of these tumors include papillomas, inflammatory polyps, and basal cell tumors. The ceruminous gland adenomas, another frequently seen tumor in the ear, are a benign tumor that appears on the glands […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Esophageal Cancer

Dog Esophageal Cancer The esophagus is the transportation tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach of your dog. Cancer is very rare in this part of a dogs’ body. Cancer is much more likely to appear in other areas of the digestive tract than in the esophagus. Neoplasia is a very aggressive […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Eye Cancer

Dog Eye Cancer Eye tumors can develop in several different places of this vital sensory organ in dogs. These growths can impair the dog’s ability to see, and can become dangerous to their health if they begin to affect the central nervous system. Common types of eye tumors and Dog Cancer in these dogs are […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Eyelid Tumor

Dog Eyelid Tumor Eyelid tumors are masses in the eyelid area of dogs that form in their skin glands. For dogs, these tumors show up during their middle age and elderly stages of their life. When it comes to dogs, most of the time the tumors are benign, which means that they are not cancerous. […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Fever

Dog Fever (Fevers in Dogs) Many dog owners may not be aware that their dog is capable of actually having a fever, but it certainly is possible and normally is due to something else going on in the body. Many people have heard of the old myth; if the dog’s nose is dry, it must […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Fibrosarcoma

Dog Fibrosarcoma This rare type of Dog Bone Cancer falls into the category of non – osteosarcomas. It is more difficult to diagnose than Dog Osteosarcoma – OSA and much less common. They originate from the fibrous tissues of any bone in a dog’s body. Diagnosis can be difficult. The cause is unknown and it […]

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