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General Pet Health: Masticatory Muscle Myositis – MMM

Overview Masticatory Muscle Myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory condition that causes muscles to be so rigid, the animal cannot open its mouth. MMM involves the muscles of mastication, whether just one muscle or a group. The meaning of Myositis comes from “myo” muscle and “sitis” inflammation. The muscles affected include the master (cheek muscle), temporalis […]

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General Pet Health: Marijuana Intoxication

Overview Marijuana Intoxication occurs when a dog eats a stash of Cannabis sativa or hemp. The psychoactive ingredient is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a toxin that causes symptoms and is quickly absorbed in the body’s fat deposits. THC acts as a receptor in the brain and can trigger the central nervous system effects of cannabinoids, the group […]

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General Pet Health: Irritable Bowel Syndrome – IBS

Overview Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic problem during which the mind’s activities cause symptoms. IBS may have a connection with the functional disorder of intestinal motility or movement and is attributed to the dysfunction of the large intestine. Some research indicates the small intestine may also play a role. Chronic anxiety leads to […]

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General Pet Health: Intestinal Lymphangiectasia

Overview Intestinal Lymphangiectasia is an obstructive disorder that results in dilated lymph vessels or lacteals. This disorder is one of the four chief cases of protein-losing enteropathy by which proteins are lost through the pet’s intestinal tract. An inflammation applies back pressure on the lymph vessels causing them to dilate. Inflammation in the intestine or […]

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General Pet Health: Inflammatory Bowel Disease – IBD

Overview Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) describes a group of intestinal disorders that affects both cats and dogs of any breed, age and gender. A common form of IBD is lymphoplasmacytic enteritis. Food allergies, exposure to toxic substances, genetics, bacteria and parasites, abnormalities of the immune system and stress can trigger IBD. Food allergies may stem […]

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General Pet Health: Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia – IMHA

Overview Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) is a relatively common syndrome that is serious and often life-threatening. The immune system produces antibodies or molecules that normally target germs. In animals afflicted with IMHA, these antibodies attach and kill its red blood cells. As the red blood cells can no longer deliver oxygen to the tissues, the […]

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General Pet Health: Hydrocephalus

Overview Hydrocephalus is a condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds up in the cavities of the brain. This causes an increase in intracranial pressure which leads to the clinical symptoms of the disorder. The causes of hydrocephalus are unclear but there does appear to be a hereditary component. Hydrocephalus is most commonly seen […]

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General Pet Health: Horner’s Syndrome

Overview Horner’s Syndrome involves a number of symptoms that affect your pet’s eyes. The result of damage to the sympathetic nervous system, Horner’s Syndrome is more specifically related to damage to nerves that lead to the eye. Because this nerve path is quite long, damage can occur anywhere along the route between the spinal cord […]

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General Pet Health: High Blood Pressure

Overview As with humans, high blood pressure in animals is associated with a number of health concerns. High levels of stress, poor diet, and a lack of exercise are all factors that have been known to contribute to high blood pressure in humans as well as animals. However, with animals, high blood pressure is most […]

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General Pet Health: Hemangiocarcoma

Overview Our blood vessels and spleen are lined with special kinds of cells called endothelium cells. Hemangiocarcoma is a cancer which begins in these special cells. Because Hemangiocarcoma is a cancer that grows out of the blood system it is one of the most malignant forms of cancer and can eventually be found in any […]

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