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Dog Increased Thirst

Veterinarian Reviewed on June 22, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Increased Thirst)

An increased thirst in dogs could just be an indication of external causes. A dog feeling the heat on a humid summer day, will drink more to stay cool. Recently made changes to the dogs’ diet? A switch to a diet that is much higher in salt could make a dog thirstier. Dogs also tend to lap up more water right after running and playing around outdoors. Certain medications including diuretics and steroids could also be the cause. However, having a dog that is constantly lapping up water from his water bowl and can never seem to get enough to drink may indicate a more serious condition.

Always make sure that your dog has access to clean, fresh drinking water.

Symptoms of Increased Thirst

Though an occasional excessive need to drink is normal, pet owners who constantly have to keep refilling their pets’ water bowl might have a legitimate cause for concern. Symptoms of excessive thirst include :

• The dog urinates more frequently.
• The water bowl is constantly empty.
• The dog suddenly begins to drink from places he normally does not such as straight from the toilet bowl, from a dripping faucet in the bathroom sink or a birdbath.
• The dog spends more time drinking water than ever before.

Hormonal Issues

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that affects the pancreases ability to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of sugar found in the blood and for dogs, this condition can cause increased thirst. The thirst may even increase as the condition worsens. Although diabetes is not common, purebred dogs are more likely to suffer than mutts; obesity, Dog Hyperthyroidism also increases the risk of Dog Diabetes. Daily injections, exercise and dietary changes can help manage the symptoms of diabetes and eliminate excess thirst.

Another hormonal condition leading to increased thirst is Cushing Syndrome, an illness that causes the adrenal glands to overproduce steroid hormones. Older dogs are more likely to suffer from Dog Cushings Disease and the condition causes frequent urination leading to a greater desire to drink fluids.

Impaired Kidney Function

The kidneys are responsible for a number of tasks in a canine’s body including filtering waste from the blood as well as handling the retention of salt and water. If kidney impairment or failure occurs, the kidneys cannot adequately process waste and the dog may urinate and drink more frequently. Tumors, toxins, infections and physical trauma can all be the cause behind Dog Kidney Disease.

Seeing a Veterinarian

Not sure if a dog is drinking excessively? Remove access to all water sources but their water bowl. Measure the amount of water placed in the empty bowl and measure any additional water added to the bowl throughout the day. Make sure no other pets or animals are drinking from this water source. Keep a tally and total it up at the end of each day. Track the results for a day or two then call your veterinarian to determine if your dog is drinking excessively.

If symptoms of Dog Dehydration are noticed however, a canine needs immediate medical attention. To check for dehydration, pull on the skin between your dog’s shoulder blades; skin that is slow to return to its normal position indicates the dog is dehydrated. Increased thirst noticed with Dog Vomiting and Dog Lethargy requires immediate medical attention.

Read also: Dog Dandruff
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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