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Dog Pancreatitis

Veterinarian Reviewed on June 21, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is when a dog’s pancreas becomes inflamed. This vital organ is responsible for the production of insulin, such as in Dog Diabetes, as well as many other important enzymes that aid in digestion. Located next to the stomach and small intestine, the pancreas is quite small in size but is one of the most important organs.

Signs and Symptoms

Should your dog develop pancreatitis, it is quite painful and can often lead to other complications including complete infection of the body, organ failure and death. It is very important to be aware of your dogs behavior at all points in time. This will help you ascertain when your dog is not feeling well and whether it is necessary to take them to see the veterinarian.

Pancreatitis has some very serious symptoms. Dog Swollen Abdomens that are painful to the touch, Dog Vomiting, Dog Loss of Appetite, Dog Diarrhea, Dog Fever and weight loss are all behaviors that should be swiftly accounted for and taken to the nearest emergency room. Although each symptom may not be present, any combination should be taken seriously by contacting your veterinarian. Sometimes it may not be pancreatitis causing the problem, but another serious illness that could be deadly to your animal. Awareness is the key factor in maintaining a healthy and active dog.

The onset of this illness can be caused by a variety of things, notably genetics and improper nutrition are general causes. Fluids in the duodenum clog the pancreatic duct. It is unclear why this occurs but its effects are severe. The clog then causes inflammation and your dog will start exhibiting signs of pancreatic sickness.

Medications have been known to trigger this problem as well. Antibiotics, such as trimethoprim-sulfa and chemotherapy medications administered to dogs with Dog Cancer are sometimes the culprit of pancreatitis. Thus, it is very important that you and your veterinarian keep an open dialogue during the time your dog is medicated.

Causes of Pancreatitis

Other causes of this sickness are toxic levels of certain chemicals such as those found in chocolate and macadamia nuts, abnormalities in metabolism and trauma to the organ itself. It is extremely important to keep toxic food items out of reach from your dog and secure fences and homes to prevent injury to your dog. Yearly check-ups for your pet are also good ways to ensure they are healthy and to pick up on early signs of disease.


Pancreatitis is diagnosed through a thorough physical exam complete with blood, stool and urine analysis. Biopsy or other diagnostic tests may be needed to ascertain the progression of the illness.

Generally, any dog that is diagnosed with pancreatitis requires hospitalization. They are not allowed to consume food nor water to allow the organ to rest and become less inflamed. After some time, your pet will start on a Dog Diet that is low in fat and will probably need to be given fluid through an IV. Antibiotics and painkillers may also be administered if needed.

This illness can be avoided by properly feeding your animal a balanced diet low in fat and free of preservatives or additives. Also, paying attention and reacting promptly to any symptoms greatly increases your dog’s survival.

Read also: Dog Bladder Cancer
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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