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British Shorthair

Veterinarian Reviewed on January 4, 2008 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Physical Characteristics

British shorthair cat.jpg

Breed Group:

This cat is a member of the British Shorthair Group.


9-18 lb. (4-8 kg.)


The strong body carries low on its legs.


The British Shorthair coat can be of a huge combination of coat color and pattern combinations. Some of the 17 colors include black, red, chocolate, blue, lilac, cream and tortoiseshell. If self colored, the cat will have one single color.


The British Shorthair sports a short coat that is dense and bouncy. The hairs feel crisp or cracking over the body contours.



This working breed is self-possessed and docile. A quiet cat, the British Shorthair is respectful.

Country of Origin:



The ancient ancestral line might go as far back as the Egyptians cats who were taken to Rome. Roman invaders during the 2nd-century A.D. probably brought their cats to Britain. Their images grace paintings and other works of art. Mr. Harrison Weir admired British street cats and selected the best ones to develop the British Shorthair. This cat was the model for the Cheshire Cat in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. This breed exported to the U.S. and became popular for killing mice. Although the British Shorthair suffered a decline in the 1940s, programs helped revive this breed.


Named after Britain, where cats from street, farms and households all contributed to this breed.


As a “gentle giant,” this tolerant breed is genial and relaxed. This level-headed cat possesses British reserve.



Animal trainers favor this intelligent breed with its good nature. British Shorthairs have starred in Hollywood movies and TV commercials.


This cat likes to play when its master looks willing. With its medium energy level, the British Shorthair is not too demanding. With a history of catching mice, this cat likes to hunt.


The affectionate British Shorthair gets along with children and household pets. This breed suits apartment life and can stay alone. Very quiet and unobtrusive, this cat is less apt to roam past the garden. Owners should take care their cats do not become obese. Giving raw bones and chicken wings can help clean its teeth.


No breeders listed at this time.

List of cat breeds

Read also: Sphynx Cat
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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