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Cat Arsenic Poisoning

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Arsenic Poisoning

Most people have watched television or movies that contained scenes that included one spouse poisoning the other with arsenic, which have provided entertainment for many years in murder-mystery shows. Arsenic itself was used originally many years ago as a way to kill bugs via various baits. The problem that arose included pets or children accidentally ingesting the arsenic.

History of Arsenic

Around 1989, the US government made the roach bait companies put less arsenic in products and it continued to decrease to the point where arsenic products for bug control is no longer a commonly used bait that is used today.

Heartworm Treatment

Shockingly, some Cat Heartworms treatment includes small doses of arsenic in order to kill the heartworms. Some cats are able to tolerate small doses for the treatment very well, but if exposed to higher doses, can result in severe Cat Vomiting, Cat Diarrhea, and ultimately death.

Curious Cats

One thing to keep in mind with your cat is how low they live on the ground, so if you decide to use arsenic in your basement to control bugs, keep your cat out of the basement. Cats are extremely curious creatures, and if you put something down that was not there previously, they will investigate.

Sign and Symptoms

Prior to 1989, when consumers used arsenic in the home as a way to control bugs, many cats, dogs, and children ended up being poisoned accidentally. Today, roach baits normally do not have arsenic but other rodent traps do, which means it is vital to keep your curious cat away from exposure to the chemical because it is deadly in doses in just 1 to 12 milligrams of arsenic per pound of your cat’s body weight. This is a very small amount, but it can cause devastating consequences.

Additional signs to look for with arsenic poisoning in cats include collapsing, staggering as if drunk, uncontrollable Cat Drooling, stomach pain, and Cat Dehydration. Any of these signs coupled with diarrhea and vomiting requires an emergency trip to the veterinarian. Additionally, if arsenic poisoning is suspected, it is something to let the veterinarian know immediately upon arrival. The vet can begin removing the poison and reducing the amount that is absorbed, but the doctor needs to know that arsenic poisoning is a possibility so that treatment can begin accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Finally, if you have a cat it is your responsibility to keep them as safe as possible. Therefore do not allow them near anything that could possible harm them; and always keep in mind that cats are curious by nature and will always be stick their little noses into places where they shouldn’t be. If you are using arsenic for bug or rodent control, make sure your cat does not have access to where you have the baits placed or stored.

Read also: Cat Gastric Cancer
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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