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Cat Increased Thirst

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 2, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Increased Thirst

The medical term for an excessive thirst is polydipsia. An excessive intake of water will lead to Cat Increased Urination which is known as polyuria. There are several diseases that either or both of these conditions can indicate.


1. Cat Renal Failure and/or Cat Kidney Disease, which can be chronic or acute. Usually this is acute. Pyelonephritis is another abnormality of the kidneys.

2. The loss of chemicals and salts that will assist with re-absorption of the water.

3. Cat Diabetes mellitus

4. Cat Hyperthyroidism

5. An infection of the uterus

6. Cat Liver Disease

7. Increased calcium levels in the blood

8. Diabetes insipidus. This is a disease that affects the kidneys ability to reabsorb the water intake effectively.

9. Pituitary disease

10. A psychological disorder that leads to compulsive consumption of water.

A 10 pound cat will consume about 1 ½ cups of liquid a day. This will include that which is in canned cat food. If there is a considerable amount more than that, it could be polydipsia. If the weather is extremely hot, or your home is hot, the excess water consumption may be due to that.

If you notice more wet cat litter, or the cat begins drinking from a dripping faucet, caution should be used. Try to eliminate all liquid sources except the dish until you can determine if your cat is drinking too much water. If you see that he is, an appointment with your veterinarian is definitely in order.


The first test that your veterinarian will perform will be a specific gravity. If the specific gravity is less than 1.035, there is a good chance that your cat has polyuria, that is the first test that will be done. If it proves to be outside the normal limits, other examinations will be done.

Your vet will do a complete physical. The abdomen will be checked to determine if there is any occurrence of Cat Swollen Abdomen or an enlargement of the liver or kidneys. If your cat is an un-spayed female, she will also be checked for any vaginal discharge. The thyroid gland will also be felt to see if there are any abnormalities.
Most of these will require blood tests. Thyroid profiles, hormone measurements, creatinine clearance and blood urea nitrogen will be checked.

You will be asked for a complete history of events. Your vet will have any medications that have been administered on record. Have you been feeding your cat extra salt in their food or table scraps? Is your cat having accidents in your home? Does the urine look strange or have a foul odor? Has her the weight changed significantly? All of these signs can be caused by some underlying disease process.


While polidipsia may not be serious and may be due to environmental changes, tests for the underlying diseases will dictate the type of treatment required.

Diabetes mellitus, liver failure or kidney failure as well as high blood calcium can be a medical emergency. Increased calcium must be treated expeditiously with intravenous fluids and water pills.

At Home Care

Monitor the amount of water your cat drinks. If there are any changes in urine output, your vet should be notified. Successful treatment of polydipsia depends on the disease process or environmental conditions that are present.

Read also: Cat Asthma
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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