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Cat Nasal Planum Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Nasal Planum Cancer

The nasal planum is actually the tip of the cat’s nose. Most malignancies in that area are associated with ultraviolet light exposure and a lack of pigmentation. Most commonly this Cat Cancer will be a Cat Squamous Cell Carcinoma. There are three types of squamous cells, some are localized, some superficial and others are deeply infiltrated into the affected area. Although not common in dogs it is fairly common in those cats that are older and lightly pigmented.

Signs and Symptoms

The progression of invasive tumors will evolve over prolonged periods. It could be several months to years before it becomes noticeable. In cats it will occur in the external surface of the nose. Owners will notice the mass and treatment should be done as quickly as possible.


An examination by the veterinarian will be in order. Due to the sensitivity of your cat’s nose, your cat will be temporarily anesthetized whilst the vet performs a wedge biopsy. Advanced radiological techniques such as CT scans or MRI have been very useful in detecting just how invasive the tumors have become. With the proper studies performed, your vet can map out a better course of treatment for your cat.

Treatment Options

Surgery is the most common method of treatment for invasive tumors. Those that are basically superficial can have laser treatment, cryosurgery, phototherapy or Cat Cancer Chemotherapy. Cat Radiation Therapy may also be used in some instances. Surgery will be used if the cancer has not spread to the surrounding tissue. If the tumor cannot be removed with the surgery, radiation therapy will follow the surgery.


The noninvasive squamous cell tumors have a very good prognosis. If however, the tumor has grown into other areas, aggressive surgery is in order. Most cats will not have a recurrence with surgical removal. Your cat can enjoy a long and happy life after their treatment has concluded and the cancer has been removed.


Limiting your cat’s exposure to direct sunlight is the best method of prevention that you can do at home. This is especially true for cats that have minimal color in their nose. By limiting exposure to precancerous growths, the progression of the lesion can be prolonged. Sunscreens do not work well on cats as they are able to actually lick off the sunscreen, especially in that area.

Pain management

All cancers will cause some degree of pain. There will be more pain after the procedures to remove the cancer. Your vet will likely prescribe some type of pain medication that you should administer as directed. Keeping your cat comfortable will improve recovery. Constant pain will cause your cat to experience a Cat Loss of Appetite and noticeable mood changes.


Pain will decrease appetite. Having pain on the nose will certainly decrease your cat’s ability to eat an adequate diet. In order to maintain a healthy body during the course of the disease and the treatment, your veterinarian will most likely order special Cat Cancer Diets. If your cat cannot tolerate normal foods, you may have to develop a different pattern to maintain nutritional support. Whatever it takes to keep your cat nutritionally stable will have to be done.

Significant Cat Loss of Weight will occur in cats during the progression of the disease and the treatment.

Read also: Cat Sneezing
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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