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Cat Prostatic Tumor

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Prostatic Tumor

Prostatic neoplasias are cancerous tumors of the prostate gland. There has never been a prostate tumor that has been benign. For this reason, all tumors of the prostate are considered to be malignant. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of malignant prostate tumor. On occasion the tumor will be a transitional cell.

This is an aggressive form of Cat Cancer and metastasizes quickly. The lymph nodes in the back of the pelvis in the lower lumbar area, the lungs and liver are also areas that are frequently involved. The prognosis is always poor.

Although the rate of prostate disease is rare in cats, it is always bad. It can affect any breed of cat but is primarily a disease of senior cats. Neutered and non-neutered cats are equally likely to have Cat Prostate Cancer.

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the first things you may notice in your cat are blood in the urine or your cat straining to defecate or urinate. There can be a discharge from the penis, accompanied by discomfort in the abdomen. Cat Constipation and weakness in the back legs as well as Cat Loss of Weight may also be evident. Cat Loss of Appetite, fatigue and Cat Lethargy behavior as well as Cat Fever are all possible.


• Your veterinarian will need to have an accurate history as to the progress of symptoms

• A digital exam of the rectum will be done

• Blood tests including blood count and chemical profile will be done

• Urinalysis

• Microscopic examination of prostatic fluid

• A culture of the prostate

• X-rays of the abdomen and an ultrasound will be done

• Chest X-rays are also helpful

Treatment Options

With a prognosis that is not good in any instance, the decision as to what type to use won’t change the fact that the life of your cat is greatly diminished. Treatment will vary depending on the type of cancer involved. The basic goal of any treatment for prostatic cancer is to keep your cat comfortable during its final days. Adenocarcinoma is the least responsive to treatment. Transitional cell cancers usually have metastasized from the bladder or urethra. In either case, the treatment options are limited.

Cat Radiation Therapy is used if there is no evidence of metastasis. While radiation will not cure the cancer, it will help to improve the comfort of your cat. By reducing the size of the tumor, your cat may become more comfortable.

Cat Cancer Chemotherapy is also used to decrease the size of the tumor and the associated inflammation. Cats with adenocarcinoma do not respond positively to chemotherapy alone.

Surgery is a last resort. Performing a prostatectomy is a difficult procedure and is rarely recommended. Complications from this type of surgery are common and it rarely prolongs the life of the cat.

Home Care

The primary goal is to keep your cat as comfortable as possible. Consultation with your veterinarian and the administration of prescribed medication will help to keep your cat comfortable. There are some medications that can cause vomiting and/or Cat Diarrhea. In the event that this occurs, you will need to consult with your veterinarian.

Additional Cat Cancer Pages

Cat Cancer | Cat Skin Cancer | Cat Lung Cancer | Cat Pancreatic Cancer | Cat Cancer Prevention | Cat Cancer Diagnosis | Cat Gastric Cancer | Cat Lymphoma Cancer | Cat Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Cat Mouth Cancer | Cat Brain Tumor | Cat Palliative Cancer Care

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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