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Cat Spleen Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Spleen Cancer

The spleen is a small organ, located next to the cat’s liver. It has a variety of functions. The spleen stores blood, reinforces the immune system and filters out old or damaged red blood cells. Tumors in the spleen of cats can be malignant or benign. In cats the most frequent are lymphosarcomas or mast cell tumors.
Spleen cancer originates from the blood vessels. It can be a group of Cat Tumors or one single tumor. These tumors often rupture and bleed. They are more common in cats who have reached their senior years.

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms vary. Unfortunately, if it is not observed by your veterinarian on a routine visit, the most common symptom is rupture, followed by blood loss that is often fatal.

Some common symptoms:

Cat Loss of Weight

• Weakness

• A mass in the abdomen or Cat Swollen Abdomen

Cat Seizures

• Fluid in the abdomen

• Pallor


If the symptoms have alarmed you enough to go to the vet, be sure to give a complete history of the events leading up to your visit.

Your veterinarian will do a complete physical examination of your cat. Blood will be drawn to determine blood loss or abnormal cells. A urinalysis will be obtained.

While x-ray may reveal the mass, ultrasound will most likely be used to perform a needle biopsy. X-rays of your cat’s chest will be done to determine if there is any metastasis in the lungs. An echocardiogram may also be done to see if there is fluid around the heart.

Treatment Options

If your cat has been found to have a malignant tumor of the spleen, it will be hospitalized. Intravenous fluids and blood transfusions will be initiated. This will help with Cat Dehydration and Cat Anemia. If metastasis is too severe, there is no advisable surgical procedure that can be recommended. If the tumor is still in the early stages, a Cat Spleenectomy can be performed.

There are times when Cat Cancer Chemotherapy will also be initiated, but it does little to prolong the cats’ life. Spleen tumors are very aggressive. Survival time is short.

Home care

If your cat survives the surgery, home care will be very important.
Pain Management: your vet will give you medication to help with the pain. Be sure to administer the medication as directed. Do not wait until there are extreme symptoms of pain in your cat. Keep your cat as comfortable as possible by following Cat Palliative Cancer Care guidelines. Be sure your cat has a comfortable place to sleep and a secure place to get away from normal daily activities. This is when a crate may benefit your baby.
Be on the alert for any negative changes in your cat’s condition. Any sign of infection, Cat Loss of Appetite or other symptoms that may indicate a decline in their condition needs to be reported to the veterinarian.

Checkups that include x-rays need to be done at least every three months to see if there is any further metastasis.
The most important consideration is that of your cats comfort.

Additional Cat Cancer Pages

Cat Cancer | Cat Skin Cancer | Cat Lung Cancer | Cat Pancreatic Cancer | Cat Cancer Prevention | Cat Cancer Diagnosis | Cat Gastric Cancer | Cat Lymphoma Cancer | Cat Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Cat Mouth Cancer | Cat Brain Tumor | Cat Palliative Cancer Care

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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