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Cat Testicular Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Testicular Cancer

While testicular Cat Cancer is rare in younger cats, it is considered one of the more common tumors in cats that are intact as they reach their senior years.

These tumors are most commonly found in older intact males. They can, however, occur at any age. Causes are unknown. Cats that have un-descended testicles are much more likely to develop these tumors in those testicles. There are no other obvious causes for testicular cancer or tumors.

There are three different types of tumors: seminomas, sertoli cell and interstitial cell. All of these tumors are treated the same way as a rule. They generally result in castration of your cat.

Types of Tumors and their progression

Interstitial tumors have very few symptoms and do metastasize or produce any estrogen. They are not thought to be much of a problem.

Sertoli tumors will appear with testicular and scrotal swelling. If the cat has undescended testicles they will experience a Cat Swollen Abdomen or swelling of the inguinal area. Half of these tumors will produce estrogen. This will cause hyperestrogenism. When this occurs there will be prostate enlargement as well as mammary glands. There will be anemia and hair loss and other male cats will be attracted to your male cat. There is a possibility that this type of tumor will metastasize to the other parts of the body, but this is not a common occurrence.

Seminomas will also cause swelling of the scrotum, inguinal, abdominal and testicular areas. This type of tumor does not usually metastasize but has been known to in about 5% of the cases that have been reported.


All of the diagnoses are based on what symptoms are presented to your veterinarian, the history of the swelling and identification through biopsy. If a cat has been diagnosed with testicular cancer there should also be X-rays taken of the abdomen and chest to check for possible metastasis. Blood work consisting of a complete blood count and chemistry panel should also be done.


The usual treatment is castration of the cat. This is very successful and there is seldom need for further treatment, especially in healthy cats. There are instances when metastasis occurs that some chemotherapy will be used.


This can be summed up in three words: usually very good. With the low rate of metastasis that usually occurs, castration will usually take care of the problem. Cats with an increased level of estrogen will usually have fewer symptoms after castration. Occasionally there are instances of severe hyperestrogenism that will also result in anemia. In this case more aggressive treatment is indicated. If the tumors have metastasized, the prognosis is more guarded. The outcome in these instances will vary with type, treatment and location.


Prevention is the key. The primary prevention is Cat Sterilization of all male cats. If you have young cats castrated it will also prevent some aggression, marking, roaming and a host of other undesirable traits. Having a male neutered is a safe and inexpensive preventative treatment for these and many other undesirable characteristics. If the testicles are not descended they should always be castrated. The owner should not settle for anything less than having both testicles removed.

Read also: Cat Gastrinomas
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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