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Dog Fever

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Fever (Fevers in Dogs)

Many dog owners may not be aware that their dog is capable of actually having a fever, but it certainly is possible and normally is due to something else going on in the body.

Many people have heard of the old myth; if the dog’s nose is dry, it must mean he is sick with a fever. However, this is not true nor does the dryness or wetness of a dog’s nose indicate fever or health.

Normal Temperature for Dogs

Many people are surprised to learn that a normal temperature for dogs is 101 to 102.5 Fahrenheit, so even if an owner took a dog’s temperature, they may think their dog has a fever because this is warmer than what a human temperature is, which is between 99.6 and 99.6 Fahrenheit. Any temperature greater than 103 in a dog means that the dog does indeed have a fever.

Reasons for Dog Fevers

Dogs run fevers for the same reasons that humans do: because of an infection going on in the body, such as Dog Allergies, Dog Cancer or Dog Parvovirus. However, a dog may run a fever if he or she is outdoors in excessive heat running around or otherwise engaging in activity. Dogs have the ability to cool themselves down via panting, but in extreme hot temperatures outside, it may be necessary to help bring the dog’s fever down.

Extreme Fever and What to Do

If your dog is experiencing a fever of 106, it is an emergency, and he may start Dog Vomiting, refuse food, shiver, lack energy, and have an appearance of depression. It is important to bring the dog to an emergency veterinarian clinic if the fever rises to 106, since this is not something that will go away on its own and needs medical treatment.

How to Help with a Dog Fever

In the event your dog’s fever is 103 to 105, you may be able to bring his or her fever down by applying cool water around his feet and ears. You will need to take a rectal temperature regularly as you are attempting to bring his temperature down to ensure that your efforts are working. Once the dog’s temperature is about 103 degrees, you can discontinue the “cool down” process. However, you will need to monitor his temperature to make sure it does not spike again. If it does, then there is probably an infection and your dog will need to see a veterinarian who can help figure out the reason for the high fevers.

Do not Treat Your Dog with Human Medications

Many well-meaning dog owners assume that if ibuprofen or acetaminophen can reduce their fevers, then those over-the-counter medications can also help their dog as well. However, many human medications cannot be processed by a dog’s liver and thereby can be fatal when given to dogs. Do not self-medicate your dog unless under the strict advise of a trained veterinarian.

Finally, many dogs resist having their temperature taken rectally, so if your dog resists, do not force it, as it could cause injury. You may just need to take him to his veterinarian since they are skilled at taking a dog’s temperature.

Read also: Dog Antifreeze Poisoning
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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