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Dog Fleas

Veterinarian Reviewed on November 22, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Fleas (Canine Flea Problems)

Signs and Symptoms

Fleas are annoying parasites for humans and dogs alike. They cause itching and discomfort that can range from mild to severe, and sometimes these pesky critters seem to be very difficult to eliminate. However, for our canine companions, fleas are much more than just an irritating nuisance; they can also pose a serious health risk. Flea infestations can lead to skin problems and infections, and can even cause anemia in extreme circumstances. Moreover, fleas can act as a conduit for tapeworms and diseases, transmitting these illnesses to your unfortunate pet. So in order to protect your pet’s well-being and to restore the comfort of both the human and canine members of your household, it’s important to deal with a flea infestation as early on as possible.

When keeping an eye out for indications that your dog is suffering from fleas, there are a number of warning signs that you can look for. Incessant scratching and biting are two of the most commonly exhibited symptoms when dogs are troubled by fleas. Often these behaviors will be directed predominantly at areas such as the head, neck, and around the tail, as these are the places where fleas and their bites tend to be concentrated. Your dog’s skin may become red and inflamed as a result of the irritation caused by flea bites and the constant scratching and biting. When your dog is suffering from a flea infestation, you may also be able to find more direct evidence of the presence of these annoying insects. Flea dirt may be visible on your pet’s skin, on its bedding, or in other areas around the household. Flea dirt looks like tiny dark specks and is actually a combination of dried blood and flea debris. In addition to flea dirt, the fleas themselves may be visible in your dog’s coat. You can check for fleas by combing carefully through your dog’s fur. If you see tiny black insects scurrying for cover, you will have confirmed a flea infestation.

Some dogs are actually allergic to flea saliva and develop a condition called flea allergy dermatitis. The symptoms displayed by a dog with this hypersensitivity are similar to those exhibited by a non-allergic dog, but are much more pronounced. Biting and scratching may become compulsive, even leading to hair loss and bald spots. The animal’s skin will become extremely irritated and may develop hot spots. When a dog has this type of allergy, its skin may become smelly as a result of infections. For hypersensitive dogs, fleas inflict torturous suffering. Even non-allergic dogs will be incredibly grateful for any relief you can provide them when they are troubled by fleas. So if your pet is suffering from a flea infestation, be sure to deal with the problem as promptly as possible.


A diagnosis of dog fleas is usually made based upon clinical signs and the presence of flea dirt and/or the fleas themselves. A veterinarian will conduct a physical examination in order to look for these warning signs and will also speak to you, as the pet owner, about the behaviors and symptoms you have observed at home. If you want to look for evidence of fleas on your own, try looking for flea dirt on your pet and on its bedding. Since this flea excrement contains digested blood, when you add a few drops of water to the dirt, the water will turn a reddish brown.

You or the veterinarian can also check for fleas by combing carefully through your dog’s fur. However, it’s not always easy to spot these parasites as they tend to hide in dark areas. Also, they can be hard to see against dark skin and fur. Furthermore, in the case of a dog that is allergic to flea saliva, fleas and flea dirt may not be noticeable, as only one or two bites are enough to cause extreme discomfort. Under such circumstances, diagnosis will likely be based upon clinical signs. Occasionally, a skin test designed to evaluate your pet’s reaction to flea proteins will be used in order to confirm a diagnosis of a flea bite allergy.


Fleas are wingless parasites that attack a number of different warm-blooded vertebrates, including humans, rabbits, and dogs. These pesky insects are typically dark in color and range from approximately 1.5 mm to 3 mm in length. They have tube-like mouthparts and long legs. Their hind legs are specially adapted for jumping, which allows these insects to hop over distances close to two hundred times their body length. Fleas lay tiny white eggs and go through four lifecycle stages — embryo, larva, pupa, and imago (adult). Flea eggs are very difficult to see with the naked eye, but adult fleas are large enough to spot without the aid of a microscope or magnifying glass.

Adult fleas use their mouthparts to feed upon their host’s blood. This is why they bite their hosts. Since an adult flea is capable of taking the equivalent of fifteen times its body weight in blood during its lifespan, a flea infestation can have serious consequences for the host, including the development of anemia. When feeding upon an animal’s blood, fleas can also transmit a number of different diseases as well as diplylidium caninum, a type of tapeworm that commonly infests dogs and cats. In addition to potentially transmitting diseases, flea bites are incredibly irritating. This discomfort is actually caused by the flea’s saliva, which contains irritating enzymes and proteins. In fact, flea saliva is one of the most irritating substances in the world. It’s the flea’s saliva that also triggers the hypersensitivity reaction in pets with a flea allergy.


Dogs are not born with fleas; rather, they pick them up from the surrounding environment. In fact, only about five percent of the flea population consists of adults that live on host animals. The rest of the population consists of eggs and fleas in the larval and pupal stages. Adult fleas live on a host, feeding on blood, and females lay up to five hundred eggs each. These eggs then fall off the host and collect in bedding, grass, and other areas of the household and outdoor environment. Once the eggs have hatched and the fleas develop into adults, the parasites can then jump onto your pet and begin feeding upon its blood. The incredible jumping ability of fleas makes it very easy for them to hop onto a dog from the ground or from another infested animal. Since female fleas can lay so many eggs each, an infestation can develop quickly and become a serious problem in a short amount of time.


When your dog is suffering from a flea infestation, treatment of both the animal and the household will be necessary in order to effectively deal with the problem. Since such a large portion of the flea population exists in non-adult stages, simply getting rid of the adult fleas is not a real solution. Along the same lines, simply treating the symptoms of a flea infestation, such as irritated skin, will not put an end to the problem. As a result, effective treatment will involve ridding the animal and household environment of fleas in all lifecycle stages as well as providing relief for the irritating symptoms of flea bites.

In order to clear your home of fleas and flea eggs, and to prevent them from returning to your house, it’s a good idea to vacuum regularly. Be sure to vacuum everywhere, including on upholstered furniture, under cushions, under beds, in closets, and along baseboards. Fleas and their eggs tend to hide and collect in carpets and other materials, so this step can go a long way toward providing your pet with a flea-free environment. It’s also important to keep your dog’s bedding clean. Washing the bedding in hot water followed by a long cycle in a hot dryer will help to kill any pesky parasites and eggs that are clinging to the material. In some extreme cases, a thorough extermination may need to be conducted throughout your household.

As for your dog, there are a number of different treatments available, including topical medications and oral medications. These help to kill fleas already present and to prevent further fleas from taking up residence in your pet’s coat. Among the effective treatments available are homeopathic remedies that help to put an end to your dog’s flea infestation and also provide relief from itchiness, irritation, and other annoying symptoms. Such products provide an all-natural alternative to chemically-based flea control products.

Homeopathic remedies contain natural ingredients with a variety of beneficial properties. For example, lavender, pennyroyal, and neem are all natural substances that act as insect repellents. Sweet mace acts as an insect repellent as well, while also removing fleas that are already present. Other natural ingredients such as tea tree oil and aloe prevent infections and promote healing. Furthermore, rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to stimulate the regrowth of hair lost as a result of constant scratching and biting. With so many natural substances available with such effective and beneficial properties, homeopathic remedies can be a great way to treat your dog’s flea infestation, putting an end to your beloved pet’s misery and irritation.

Suggested Products
Target Spray for Canine Fleas – an all-natural alternative, highly effective insect repellent, which discourages dog fleas from nesting on your best friend

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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