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Dog Gastritis

Veterinarian Reviewed on June 22, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Gastritis

Gastritis is a common ailment that dogs can suffer from. It is when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed which can cause great irritation to the dog. One of the most frequently seen signs of gastritis is Dog Vomiting. Many times the signs and symptoms can be mild but that doesn’t mean that there is nothing wrong. Some cases of gastritis can be so severe that the dog may end up in the hospital in intensive care.

What causes Gastritis?

There are two types of gastritis: acute and chronic. Acute is used to describe a single episode or an occasional episode of gastritis. It can be caused from your dog eating something spoiled, eating too much or too fast, eating something foreign, a systemic or a viral infection, accidentally eating some type of chemical, Dog Allergies or a reaction to medications.

Chronic gastritis is when your dog suffers with gastritis issues on a regular basis. This type of gastritis can be caused by repeatedly eating the wrong things such as those listed for acute gastritis. It can also be caused from swelling in the bowels which can happen from a bowel disease or from your dog having stomach cancer. You will find that there are also some systemic diseases that can cause both types of gastritis such as ulcers, Dog Liver Disease, Dog Kidney Disease and neurological diseases.

Signs and Symptoms

Many dogs that suffer with gastritis will have bouts of vomiting. It can be common to see blood in the vomit which may look like coffee grounds. Your dog may be weak and suffer with a Dog Loss of Appetite and possible Dog Diarrhea which can result in Dog Weight Loss.

Getting Diagnosed

Many pet owners find that their dog’s gastritis doesn’t last long and fixes itself on its own. Most often it is not necessary to seek medical treatment but in more severe cases will require medical attention. If you see that your dog is having lasting symptoms then you need to take him for an examination with your veterinarian

Once at the doctor’s office your dog may have blood work done as well as X-rays. If your dog is a puppy then he or she will have a Dog Parvovirus test done. Some cases may require an endoscopy and/or an ultra sound of the abdomen.


The main initial goal of the vet is to get your dogs electrolyte balance back to where it needs to be as well as getting plenty of fluids into your dog. The doctor may not let your dog have anything by mouth for a few hours as he gradually gets fluids back into your dog. There may be medications prescribed to help keep the production of stomach acid down as well as medications to stop the vomiting.

Treating your Dog at Home

The first thing you should do is to stop all intake of food and fluids in your pet and then call your vet. Once you start fluids and foods it needs to be light so it won’t upset the stomach. If your dog doesn’t show signs of getting better then you should seek the advice of the vet.

Read also: Dog Nasal Chondrosarcoma
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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