Dog Upper Respiratory Infection

Veterinarian Reviewed on August 14, 2010 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Upper Respiratory Infection

If your dog is experiencing Dog Coughs, Dog Sneezing and pawing at his face chances are that he may have an upper respiratory infection and should see a Vet immediately to find out the cause of his infection and determine the seriousness. An upper respiratory infection in dogs may affect his nasal passages, throat, pharynx, trachea, and even lungs. They can be caused by bacteria, a virus, mycoplasma or even Dog Mites and any upper respiratory infection in dogs can be highly contagious and quickly spread from one dog to another especially in places such as dog shows, dog parks, obedience classes, and in multi pet homes.

What Dogs Are At Risk For Upper Respiratory Infection

While any dog may catch an upper respiratory infection puppies and elderly dogs are at higher risk because their immune system is either not fully developed or is compromised by advancing age. Dogs who have not been properly vaccinated against kennel cough and other respiratory diseases are at high risk.

Symptoms Of Upper Respiratory Infections

There are several symptoms that may indicate that your dog has an upper respiratory infection. Being aware of these symptoms will enable you to get the dog the help he needs promptly. These symptoms include :

• coughing (either a dry non productive cough or a moist cough that is productive)

• sneezing

• continually scratching or pawing at his face or nose area

• low grade fever

• not wanting to play or exercise

• not eating

Dog Lethargy

• even anorexia in severe cases

If your dog is displaying symptoms of an upper respiratory infection immediately isolate him and call your Veterinarian. Your dog should be seen as soon as possible so that your vet can judge the severity of the infection, it’s cause and start him on a course of treatment that will have him up and well in no time.


The course of treatment for these types of infections will vary depending on the cause and severity of the infection. In uncomplicated cases, your Vet may prescribe antibiotics, exercise restrictions, rest and supportive care. In cases that are more serious your pet may have to be hospitalized, given antibiotics and other medications and treated for Dog Dehydration and possibility fed intravenously.


As with all diseases, prevention is the most effective treatment of all. There are several preventive measures you can take to lower your dog’s risks of respiratory infections. These include the following: Proper vaccinations. Vaccinations may not prevent your pet from catching all types of respiratory infection but it will reduce the amount of infections that he is likely to catch.

In addition, to vaccinations seeing that your dogs immune system is good shape by making sure that he has adequate nutrition and proper exercise will help reduce the chances of his catching a respiratory infection even if he is exposed. Other things you can do is limited your dogs exposure to other dogs as much as possible and make sure that you practice good environmental hygiene including washing your dogs food and water bowl regularly.

Please keep in mind if your dog does contact an upper respiratory infection that keeping him isolated both during his illness and several weeks afterward will reduce the chances of infecting other dogs.

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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