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Dog Weight Loss

Veterinarian Reviewed on June 22, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Weight Loss

When dogs burn more calories than they consume daily, weight loss can occur. A few pounds of weight lost or gained are not normally a cause for concern. This usually indicates a dog has become more active or has lost a few pounds of water weight. As dogs age they also tend to lose some bulk. However, when weight loss fall below 10 percent of normal body weight, dog owners should be alert and begin taking action. When dogs begin to lose muscle mass, eat their own stools, vomit excessively, get dingy coats, become inactive and regurgitate, it is likely that some condition is causing the dog to lose weight. Depending on what the underlying cause may be, dogs may experience Dog Appetite Increase, Dog Loss of Appetite or their normal appetite may not have changed.

Physical Activity

Sometimes the activities of a dog may be the cause of sudden weight loss. Dogs burn more calories when they are cold in order to stay warm; combine this with a highly active dog that gets to spend a lot of time running around outdoors and weight loss can occur. This is more likely to occur when a dog suddenly gets much more activity but their calorie intake does not change. For example, a dog owner that suddenly takes up jogging with their pet every day but fails to increase their dog’s food rations.

Dietary Related Causes

A dog’s diet may also be the culprit. A cheap, low-quality pet food may not be as appetizing to a dog and they may suddenly stop eating or the food may not adequately meet their nutritional needs. Food that has been spoiled or stored to long will also be lacking in nutrition. Weight loss may also be caused due to a sudden change in dog food. When owners switch their pets’ diet without transitioning, Dog Diarrhea, stomach cramps, indigestion and gastro-intestinal upsets are likely to occur. To correctly transition dogs from one type of food to another, start by mixing two-thirds of the current dog food with one-third of the new dog food for three days. For an additional three days, give the dog two-thirds new dog food and one third old dog food. On the seventh day, the dog can consume a full portion of the new dog food.

Metabolic Causes

Dog Diabetes and digestive system problems that cause poor intestinal absorption can also disturb how calories are used. Infectious diseases such as fungal infections can infect the bowels and cause malabsorption. Internal tumors may also affect the digestive systems ability to make use of calories. Dog Hyperthyroidism, a condition where the metabolism increases, could be caused by over activity of thyroid hormones. Heart failure and other forms of organ failure could even be the cause. Veterinarians may recommend diet changes to the dogs’ diet, appetite stimulants or Dog Vitamins and mineral supplements to treat malnourishment.

Unexplainable dog weight loss is not normal. Besides the causes previously discussed Dog Pregnancy, lactating, Dog Worms, Dog Cancer, tumors, drug reactions, Dog Allergies, trauma and even the presence of foreign bodies could be the cause of sudden weight loss. Consulting with a veterinarian is likely to be needed in order to find out why your dog is suffering and to get the weight loss handled before additional problems affect your dog.

Read also: Dog Flea Allergy Dermatitis
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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