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Norwich Terrier

Veterinarian Reviewed on December 23, 2007 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Physical Characteristics


Breed Group:



They are among the smallest of terriers and their average weight is around 5 kg (or 10-12 lbs).


The Norwich Terrier stands approximately 24-26 cm (9-10 inches).


Red, tan, wheat, black, or black and tan.


Their coat is made up of 2 parts – a short, wiry undercoat and a softer undercoat.



As they were originally bred to hunt small vermin, these dogs tend to show a lot of courage and fearlessness. They are however, intelligent and affectionate as well. On occasion, especially when they feel threatened or anxious, they can be assertive but are likely not going to behave aggressively. As they are loyal and loving, they make excellent pets.

Country of Origin:

They originate in the United Kingdom.


The Norwich Terrier first appeared in the early 1800s as working dogs in England. They were often used to hunt rats and other small vermin in barns and farmyards as well as to drive out foxes during fox hunts. The ancestry of the Norwich Terrier is somewhat unclear, they may have descended from the red Irish Terriers that were common in East Anglia at the time or from the Trumpington Terrier, which is now extinct. Also, as a point of interest, the Norwich Terrier was the mascot of Cambridge University.


Their name comes from the region of England from which they come: Norwich.


Norwich Terriers are sociable dogs that thrive on human interaction. They tend to be quite loving and good with children and as such make excellent pets. In fact, they should not be kept outside as they are quite keen to maintain close contact with their owners. They don’t usually bark unless provoked or anxious. They get along well with other, familiar pets. Despite their affection for humans, they are quite independent and will often go after small rodents.



Norwich Terriers are very intelligent so train easily.


As Norwich Terriers are hardy and energetic dogs who were bred to work and hunt, they require a lot of exercise. Daily walks are a must for Norwich Terriers, but the more activity the better for these dogs. They run reasonably well so make good walking and jogging companions. Again, as they are working dogs, a minimum 1 hour of daily exercise is ideal. In addition their independence and curiosity makes access to a back yard beneficial. They like to wander and explore as this helps them avoid boredom from a routine lifestyle. An important note is that Norwich Terriers will usually demonstrate behavioral problems including over-excitement, destructive behavior, or neuroses.


Norwich Terriers are intelligent, clean, calm, and excellent with children making them excellent house pets. The only major concern with owning this breed is whether you can provide enough exercise.


List of dog breeds

Read also: Karelian Bear Dog
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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