Cat Black Widow Spider Bite

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 2, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Black Widow Spider Bite

If you have a cat, you know they do not have a fear of bugs or spiders, nor can they discern the difference between a poisonous spider and one that is harmless. Their curiosity gets the better of them, which is what can cause them to be bitten.

The Black Widow Spider

The female black widow spider has more venom than the male and is the one that could potential cause harm to your cat. The venom itself is a neurotoxin, however, spiders do not prey on cats, children, or adults; rather they bite to defend themselves when they fear danger. Obviously, a curious cat that is sniffing around and invading a black widow nest would certainly cause the spider to feel threatened enough to bite the cat.

Symptoms of a Black Widow Bite

If your cat is bitten by a black widow, the venom will affect the animal seconds after your cat has experienced the Cat Bug Bites. If you live in an area where there are lots of black widows, you need to know the signs of a black widow bite in your cat. These include :

– Muscle weakness and tremors
– Paralysis in one or more limbs
– Pain in the location of the bite
– Stiffening of the muscles

Death occurs if the breathing muscles become affected and paralyzed. Unfortunately, veterinarians have no test they can perform to know if there is venom in a cat’s blood. This means you must know what to look for in your cat and you must take action immediately to get your cat to the nearest veterinarian as soon as possible.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for suspected black widow spider bites include muscle relaxants to reduce the spasms and intravenous fluids at the veterinarian’s clinic. Your cat will need to remain at the veterinarian hospital for several days in order for the animal to be closely monitored.


Prevention of black widow spider bites in cats is your best defense. If you live in the Southwestern area of the United States, such as Arizona and Utah, you are more likely to encounter black widows than if you live in a colder or more humid climate, such as the North Easter parts of the USA. Though black widows can live in any state, they are more populous in dryer climates.

If you suspect or find a black widow nest or see a black widow outside or in your home, it is time to call an exterminator that uses pet-safe ingredients. Wherever there is one black widow, there are surely more somewhere close by, so exterminating your property will kill off any nests that may be lurking in or outside your home.


Finally, keep an eye on your cat as much as possible. Obviously, people have to work and often their cats are left home alone for a number of hours each day. Your cat will not be discerning when it comes to their curiosity of a black widow spider, you have to be the one that makes sure they are safe whether you are home or not.

Read also: Cat Liver Disease
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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