Cat Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Signs and Symptoms

Carbon Monoxide poisoning in cats can happen the same way as it does in humans. When a cat is exposed to a vehicle’s exhaust when in a closed area such as a garage, a ventilation problem in the home, airplane gas that is released and accumulated in the cargo area, and/or they can be exposed to it via a fire due to smoke inhalation. If you suspect your cat has been exposed to carbon monoxide, get your cat to a well ventilated area, preferably outside and then get them to your nearest veterinarian.

The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning in cats is very similar to those found in people, these include :

– Signs of Cat Lethargy
– Sleepiness
– Coordination problems
– Having difficulties breathing, perhaps panting uncontrollably
– Your cat’s skin color may become bright red
– Loss of consciousness

If any of these occur or you know your cat has been exposed to carbon monoxide, you must take action immediately, because their life truly depends on your actions.


The one thing that your cat needs when it has been exposed to prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide is oxygen. When you arrive at your veterinarian’s he or she will provide 100 percent pure oxygen in order to supply the cat’s body and blood with fresh oxygen so that your cat can rebound from the carbon monoxide poisoning.

In addition, your veterinarian will hydrate your cat via electrolytes and may even require a ventilator depending on how long they were exposed to the carbon monoxide.


Obviously, you do not want to leave your cat in your car while it is running inside an enclosed garage. This is asking for trouble and an easily avoidable problem. In addition, if you plan to move and have a cat that requires an airplane flight, you may want to consider an alternative type of travel arrangement because cats are placed in the cargo area on a plane, which although is extremely traumatic for them, can also lead to carbon monoxide exposure. There are several door-to-door companies that can transport your cat in a safe manner, which is less traumatic for your cat and offers safer air quality.

In addition, if you know how your cat became exposed other than from a car’s exhaust fumes, make sure the problem is fixed before bringing your cat back into the area where he or she became exposed in the first place. In other words, if there is something inside your home that caused the carbon monoxide poisoning, make sure that all necessary repairs and precautions are in place prior to bringing your cat back home.


When it comes to your cat’s safety, you are basically in charge; they depend on you for everything from food, water, to the very air they breathe. Carbon monoxide poisoning is very preventable, especially if it is from an auto in a garage. Remember, that even in parking garages, if the car is left running, your cat can be exposed to the gases that can cause them harm.

Read also: Cat Oral Melanoma
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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