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Cat Loss of Appetite

Veterinarian Reviewed on June 20, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Loss of Appetite

There are many reasons as to why a cat has a loss of appetite.

Owning a cat is a major responsibility, and knowing when they are unwell is part of loving and caring for them. As you begin to live with your cat you will recognize different behavior and habits, which they do on a daily basis. Some cats do naturally eat more than others, but a loss of appetite can mean a number of things including illness and disease. Knowing how much your cat eats on a daily basis, and noticing when he or she eats significantly less, could save your cat’s life in the future.

Simple Causes

Cats will stop eating if they are suffering from any type of Cat Stress and Anxiety, or are in pain and are very sensitive to change in their lifestyle or changes in their homes. Your cat’s loss of appetite may be caused by something very small. A change in routine or introducing a new pet to the house which has made your cat feel unsettled, may be causing the problem. Cats are extremely territorial and don’t react well to other cats being introduced to their homes. If you have to introduce another cat then try to do it gradually and make sure you give your original cat extra-large amounts of affection and TLC. Show your cat that he is still number one in your eyes; if your cat is just stressed then he or she will begin eating again slowly.

If you have recently left your cat in a cattery to go on holiday, or had a stranger feed them whilst you are away, then this might have made him or her suffer from Cat Depression. This can be solved with some love and coaxing which will encourage them to eat properly very soon after your return home.

These are some of the causes for your cat to have a loss of appetite, which are easy to deal with and can be diagnosed quickly. They can usually be solved without the need of a vet. Within no time at all your cat will be eating again and will be back to their normal and content self.

Serious Causes

If however there isn’t a simple reason and your cat still has a loss of appetite then seeking professional advice is highly advised. Never leave your cat not eating for more than a day or two, as this could make it even more ill as cats tend to deteriorate very rapidly. Your cat may have something wrong with its teeth or mouth, forcing it not to be able to eat properly. There are many illnesses unfortunately that cats can get, most can be treated and will see your cat back to normal in no time at all. If your cat does have something wrong in its jaw or mouth then this may be causing it pain when it does attempt to eat. Having a vet check your cat’s teeth and jaw is essential and the first step to diagnosing what the problem is. After that your vet will check your cats overall health and rule out obvious reasons for your cat’s loss of appetite.

Seeking advice straight away is very important, because your cat’s health and well being are extremely important. Although vets can be expensive they are worth it if your cat begins to feel better and eat well again. After all your cat is part of the family and can’t tell you exactly what is wrong when they loss their appetite.

Read also: Cat Bartonella and Cat Scratch Disease
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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