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Cat Lung Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 2, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Lung Cancer

There are many diseases that your cat can get and some of these can be very serious as well as fatal and it is therefore quite essential that you take your cat into your veterinarian for regular checkups. These checkups will give your vet a chance to find any serious diseases in your cat, and then, subsequently, find a treatment for them.
Whilst lung cancer is one disease that is very rare in cats, it can be treated if found in the early stages.

Lung cancer explained

The lungs are vital organs in your cat’s body and their main function is to transport the oxygen into your cat’s bloodstream. Unfortunately, lung cancer does spread quite rapidly and can spread to your cat’s central nervous system very easily. Although lung cancer is not that common, because it can spread so easily and quickly, this is often the fatal reason for a cat’s untimely death due to lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer

In the early stages of lung cancer there are normally no symptoms exhibited in the cat, and this is why the disease goes undetected for so long. As the disease progresses your cat will have excessive Cat Drooling and may appear to be constantly short of breath with Cat Difficulty Breathing. As the cancer begins to spread, your cat will begin to experience Cat Loss of Weight and will also have Cat Loss of Appetite. The areas that the cancer has spread to, will begin to suffer and deteriorate and this is usually when cat owners begin to realize that their cat is unwell.

Treatment of the cancer

If you are lucky enough to find the cancer in the early stages then your vet will be able to properly treat your cat. This will be through surgery so your cat will need to be fit and well and young enough to have a good chance of surviving the procedure. The vet will remove the single mass from the lungs and then chemotherapy or radiation treatment is then used to ensure that all of the cancer has stopped. Aftercare will need to be given to your cat and in many cases they will make a full recovery.


If the cancer is found early enough then the likely hood of your cat making a full recovery is quite high. The recovery rate does depend on many factors including how advanced the cancer is, as well as how healthy your cat is. If you take your cat to the vet regularly then it is more likely that you will find problems out before they get too bad. The quicker you can have them diagnosed the better chance you are giving your cat to survive.

Ways to help your cat

Ensuring that your cat has a healthy lifestyle and a good diet will help them to combat diseases and boost their immune system. You should ensure that they have regular exercise and that you take them to a vet at the first stage that you are concerned about their health. Your cat will try to tell you in their own unique way that they are unwell and you need to learn to read these signs. Your cat relies on you to care for them and ensure that they have a good and comfortable life for as long as possible.

Read also: Cat Loss of Weight
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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