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Cat Lymphoid Leukemia

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 2, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Lymphoid Leukemia

Owning a cat is more than simply owning a pet, these animals become part of your life and family. If they get sick then you will want to do everything possible to save them and knowing about different illnesses and conditions is essential. There are some conditions which can be life threatening if not found and treated immediately. This is why it is so important to have your cat checked at the vet regularly.

What is Lymphoid Leukemia

Lymphoid Leukemia is a very serious blood disorder that happens because there is an overabundance of white cells in your cat’s body. This form of Leukemia is very common and will affect the bone marrow and can even circulate around the system. Leukemia is often defined as acute or chronic and depends on which of the white blood cells have been affected. Also how quickly the leukemia has appeared. Although the leukemia that your cat will have is very similar to the human form it also has some major differences as well.

Symptoms of Lymphoid Leukemia

There are many symptoms with this disease that can affect your cat and they may have some of them or, in extreme cases, all of them. Your cat may suffer from Cat Loss of Weight, Cat Increased Thirst, Cat Increased Urination, random bleeding, Cat Anemia and Cat Vomiting.

There are many more symptoms but these are the most common. In some forms of chronic leukemia there are no symptoms at all which can be concerning for you as a pet owner as you will not know that your cat is indeed ill. This is why you should have them regularly checked by the vet so they can detect abnormalities and diseases ahead of time.

Diagnosis and the way forward

If you are concerned about your cat and suspect that they may have a form of the leukemia then you need to take them to a vet straight away. The vet will be able to take a blood sample from your cat and examine it. The blood is the only way to fully diagnose leukemia and once the vet can find out if it is chronic or acute then they can set out a plan of treatment. If you leave this untreated then your cat may eventually die so it is very important to act quickly for your cat to have the best chance of survival.

Treatment and aftercare

If your cat is diagnosed with acute leukemia then it cannot be operated on and the only form of treatment is chemotherapy. Although the chemotherapy has advanced a long way there are risks involved with your cat having it.

In the case of the chronic leukemia your vet will tell you to observe your cat closely and treat the under laying illnesses. There is no need for radical treatments and your cat may in time get over the illness. Although the figures of survival after leukemia are unknown your cat will have another few years of life after treatment. For some this is enough and they will fight for their lives and for others they may feel that it is kinder to let them go.

Read also: Cat Contact Dermatitis
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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