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Cat Nasal Chondrosarcoma

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 2, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Nasal Chondrosarcoma

What is Nasal Chondrosarcoma?

Nasal Chondrosarcoma is basically a cancerous tumor in the nasal area afflicting both felines and canines. These tumors are only responsible for a small portion of tumors in cats, but they are responsible for up to 80% of all of their tumors found in the respiratory area. These tumors are usually present in the sinus and nasal cavity area. Though these tumors are serious and most often malignant, only a small portion tends to spread to other areas of the cat’s body. Research has been done, but like many other cancers the cause has not yet been discovered. It seems to be quite prominent in kittens and young cats, but it does not discriminate by sex. Both an equal amount of female and male felines have been afflicted with these kinds of tumors. These tumors also do not discriminate by breed of cat either. Both cats and dogs have been known to have Nasal Chondrosarcoma, and upon research of the cat tumor and the dog tumor they are quite similar.

What are the symptoms of Nasal Chondrosarcoma?

Be advised that each cat will react in a different way, so if your cat is showing any abnormal symptoms take them to a veterinarian to be evaluated. The most noted clinical symptoms of Nasal Chondrosarcoma can include one or more of the following:

1. Cat Anorexia. If your cat has been losing weight or showing a Cat Loss of Appetite or disinterest in their food, this is something to consider and have checked.

2. Epistaxis. This is bleeding from the nose or nasal cavity without having suffered an injury to that particular area.

3. Consistent Cat Sneezing. If you notice that your cat has been sneezing more often or when they do sneeze they can’t seem to stop (usually 10-12 times in a row), this can be a symptom.

4. Cat Bad Breath or Halitosis. If upon approaching your cat you notice a sour or foul odor coming from their breath that was not present before, this can also be an indicator or Nasal Chondrosarcoma.

5. Cat Seizures. If your feline has developed seizures, Nasal Chondrosarcoma could be the culprit.

6. Facial deformity. If their eyes seem to be bulging or their face does not look quite right, this could be a cause.

How is it diagnosed and treated?

Nasal Chondrosarcoma is diagnosed in a variety of ways. It usually begins with routine lab tests such as a CBC (complete blood count) and urinalysis. It will then progress to more invasive tests such as a CT scan or an MRI. If these test are evaluated and are not normal, it is usual protocol to proceed with a Rhinoscopy ( a look into the nasal passages of the cat) and a rhinotomy (actual incision into the nasal cavity area). The rhinotomy will allow for a biopsy to be done and sent to a lab to see if there is a malignancy. Once it is in fact diagnosed as a malignant Nasal Chondrosarcoma it can then be treated. There are a few different ways that treatment can be approached. Surgery coupled with radiation and chemotherapy is one option. Another option is an addition of antibiotic therapy to that protocol to prevent any secondary infection from occurring after the surgery. After much research it is the consensus that surgery coupled with radiation is the best and most effective way to approach these tumors.

What is the canine or feline’s prognosis after treatment?

Though it will differ from case to case, the survival time for those who have had surgery is anywhere from 1-2 years on average. Adding radiation will only increase this survival time by a few months and in some cases not at all. As with any Cat Cancer and cancerous tumors, the earlier it is detected, the higher the survival rate is. If you think that your cat could be suffering from Nasal Chondrosarcoma, it is best to have them evaluated immediately to increase their survival time.

Read also: Cat Fever
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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