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Cat Nose Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Nose Cancer

When you own a cat you want to do everything you can to look after and protect them and ensure that they remain healthy. There are many diseases and ailments that cats can get just as easily as humans and you need to understand them. Nose cancer is a very common problem and you will need to ensure that you look out for this disease. Regular checkups at the vets offices will help you to detect any problems your cat may be having.

What is nose cancer?

Nose cancer happens when the nasal passage and sinuses produce too many cells. Although this disease is not a rapidly developing one it is still very dangerous for your cat. The nasal passage is made up of two air passages which contain sponge like bones and these have to be kept clear of infections. Male cats are more likely to have nasal cancer than females, and it needs to be treated aggressively once detected.

Signs and Symptoms of nasal cancer

Although the symptoms that your cat may be experiencing do not seem that serious you should have them checked over. Often your cat will begin Cat Sneezing and will have a Cat Nasal Discharge which may be clear or in some cases have blood in it. No matter what discharge your cat has it is better to take them to the vet to be sure. Your cat may also have Cat Bad Breath, Cat Loss of Appetite and in extreme cases Cat Seizures may occur. No matter how small the symptoms are you need to have them checked out by your vet to ensure they are not nasal cancer.

Diagnosis of this cancer

Your vet will take blood samples from your cat to determine if they do in fact have nasal cancer. They may also use a very small camera and place it up your cat’s nose. The camera may not help though if there is a great deal of mucus or discharge in the nasal cavity. If your vet is still unsure then a biopsy may be required to determine exactly what type of Cat Cancer it is. Your vet will also want to determine if the cancer is spreading and to what areas of your cat. Once your vet has determined that your cat does in fact have cancer then treatment can be determined.

Treatment and prognosis

If the nasal cancer is found at an early stage then treatment may be possible for your cat although they will need surgery and radiotherapy. Removing the tumor can be very difficult due to its position and the radiotherapy will only reduce it. You have to understand that unless caught early this cancer is terminal. If left un-treated your cat will have a very short life span once diagnosed and with treatment they will have a few more years. The causes behind this cancer are unknown and there are at present no preventative methods to keep your cat from getting nasal cancer.

Additional Cat Cancer Pages

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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