Cat Petroleum and Gasoline Toxicity

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Petroleum and Gasoline Toxicity

Signs and Symptoms

Petroleum products can be quite lethal to cats. These products are not among the top causes of animal poisoning, but they can cause severe problems nonetheless. The most common products that are the causes of this type of poisoning are kerosene, gasoline, diesel and propane.

Petroleum products are easily absorbed by cats due to their thin and light makeup; although gasoline is more toxic than motor oil due to this factor. Absorption can rapidly progress from the skin in to the cat’s stomach. Being irritants, they will cause inflammation to the stomach lining and skin. Irritation to the airways occurs if an excessive amount is inhaled.

Severe burning of the mouth, throat, stomach and esophagus are most commonly associated with your cat drinking these fluids. Cat Vomiting can occur, during which time some of the product can be inhaled and causing pneumonia. It is not recommended to induce vomiting at home. If your pet does begin to vomit after the ingestion of petroleum products, you need to be extremely observant. Breathing problems can occur quickly.

It does not take a lot of these products to cause damage. Diesel can cause illness if about 1 tablespoon per lb. of your cat’s body weight is ingested. That alone will cause Cat Diarrhea, upset stomachs and vomiting. With gasoline, your cat needs only to consume roughly 35mls per pound of body weight. As you can see it really doesn’t take too much to poison a cat. The majority of petroleum products will be cleared from your cat’s body within 48 hours.

Signs and Symptoms

Observe the following if you notice you pet has consumed petroleum products:

• Gasoline smell

• Shaking head

Cat Drooling

Cat Coughs or is choking

• Clumsiness when walking

• Irritated skin

• A blue tinge to the gums and tongue

• An increase in the amount of head shaking

• Difficulty breathing

Treating Petroleum and Gasoline Toxicity

If a small amount of the product is consumed, generally no treatment is needed. It is important, however to make sure that your cat is kept calm in a quiet place inside your home. This will help to prevent vomiting that may occur to Cat Stress And Anxiety.

If a large amount was ingested within a two to four hour period, activated charcoal or stomach pumping may have to be done. This will empty the stomach and prevent vomiting. After this procedure your cat will probably receive a prescription for Carafate and/or Pepcid. This will protect their stomach from further damage.

Cats with aspiration pneumonia will require hospitalization. During that time they will receive antibiotics, intravenous fluids, oxygen and plenty of rest. It is possible that this treatment will continue for up to one week or more. If the onset of breathing issues is rapid, your cat’s prognosis may not be good.

If your cat’s skin has been exposed to petroleum products, then your cat should be given a warm bath with a mild dish detergent as quickly as possible. Most of the petroleum will be removed from the skin in the bath. In order to remove the bulk of the product from a long haired cat, such as a Maine Coon, your cat may have to be sheared. In this way any skin irritation can be observed and appropriate medication can be given.

There is no way to treat petroleum or gasoline toxicity at home. When you contact your vet, know what was consumed and how much.

If your cat does not show any symptoms within the first twelve hours of exposure, they will probably not become ill. Mild respiratory problems usually resolve themselves in three to ten days. If symptoms worsen call your veterinarian immediately.

Read also: Cat Hepatobiliary Tumors
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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