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Cat Prostate Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Prostate Cancer

Is your cat suffering from symptoms such as blood in the urine, incontinence, Cat Constipation, Cat Vomiting, or unusual tiredness? If so, your cat might have prostate cancer. Although prostate cancer is one of the rarer Cat Cancer diseases in cats, you should still go to your vet and get the necessary tests done to verify whether or not this is the problem that your cat is experiencing.
Signs and Symptoms
The symptoms of cat prostate cancer are fairly general. Cat Loss of Appetite and Cat Loss of Weight are two of the most common symptoms. This is noticeable if you find that your cat is not eating as much food as before or even touching it as your cat normally does. However, the problem with these symptoms is that they can be a symptom for many other health problems that are commonly experienced by cats.

The most detectable symptom is blood in the urine in which you will actually notice that there is blood that is mixed in with your cat’s urine. Sometimes this may be a little harder to identify as you may think the urine is just a darker color than normal. But if you pay attention, you will see that there is blood and in many cases it will seem like your cat is in pain when urinating.

If your cat seems to be unable to control their urination and seems to be urinating all over the place, this is another sign of prostate cancer. Once prostate cancer starts, it becomes more difficult for the cat to control their bladder and they often have problems with incontinence. This will be easy to notice, especially if you have trained your cat to use a litter box and now your cat is relieving themselves on your carpet.


In order to verify whether or not your cat has prostate cancer, your veterinarian will have to run some tests on your cat. The process includes doing blood work to measure the hormones in the prostate, doing an ultrasound of the affected area, and getting a biopsy done to make certain that cancer is the problem and not something else.

If you have noticed some of the symptoms in your cat, it’s important that you do not panic. These symptoms can be caused by something else such as an infection. Just remember that you should not leave any of these symptoms alone and you should go visit a vet as soon as possible. The faster the diagnosis is made, the higher the chances are of your cat making a complete recovery.

The challenge when it comes to figuring out what is wrong with your cat is that sometimes the symptoms may not be so obvious. So if you feel that your cat isn’t behaving as normally as usual and seems lethargic or sick, make sure you make an appointment with your vet. Every second counts when it comes to fighting a disease such as prostate cancer so it’s up to you to take the initiative.

Home Care

Undertaking Cat Sterilization whilst your cat is still a kitten is an almost surefire way of avoiding prostate cancer in their later years. Follow Cat Palliative Cancer Care guidelines and provide your cat with an adequate Cat Cancer Diets along with Cat Cancer Dietary Supplements.

Additional Cat Cancer Pages

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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