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Dog Bone Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Bone Cancer

Dog Cancer in our beloved pets is becoming more and more common place. There are a variety of factors that are contributing to the rise in cancer cases among canines. The really sad part of the incidences of cancer in our pets is that much of the cancer is actually avoidable. Vets have in the last few years been quite vocal about their concerns of environmental factors that are causing such a rapid rise in the various cancers our canines have been showing up with.
As loving pet owners, we should be listening and taking heed of the Vets that are addressing this serious issue. The incidence of canine bone cancer has risen 63.8% in the past five years.

Beware of those Household Chemicals

Dogs are twice as likely to get bone cancer as humans are, according to research. What is causing the dramatic rise in canine bone cancer? Well, according to recent research, it was found that the top cause of cancer is actually commonly used household cleaning chemicals. The next chemical that is responsible is lawn and garden chemicals. The toxic applications used to kill Dog Fleas and ticks come in third.

Opt for a Home Made Dog Food Diet

The next cause of bone cancer in dogs is quite scary when you really think about it. It is commercial dog food!
During another study it was discovered that the cause of canine bone cancer was the toxic ingredients that are most often found in pet food and pet treats.

One of the most immediately effective ways to reduce your dog’s exposure to this type of carcinogen is to place your pet on a home-made dog food diet. There are quite a few recipes that are nutritionally comprehensive and that your dog will love. The websites that are focused on dog’s health often have recipes for homemade pet foods.

Feed Your Dog a Carnivorous Diet

If your pet does have an incidence of cancer, there are specific Dog Diet requirements that go along with getting treatment for the cancer. Talk to your vet and ask for some advice here. One of the first things most vets will tell you is to avoid grains. Dogs are not meant to eat grains; this is not natural to their diet. Dogs are meant to be carnivorous. Their systems do not produce the same type of enzymes that humans do, therefore they are not able to correctly digest grains. Canines that are undergoing cancer treatments should be eating canned fish, cheeses, eggs, and meat. High fat content meats are especially good for them. Supplements that provide a high concentration of Dog Omega Fatty Acids and Dog Vitamins is what will help strengthen the canine after cancer treatment. There may be several treatments required.

There are times in our pet’s lives that we have to make decisions such as whether or not to have the cancer treatments. These procedures are very expensive and most vets will allow you to make payments, but on the other hand, if the cancer is too far advanced to effectively stop it, then it is time to find other healing alternatives.

Additional Dog Cancer Pages

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Read also: Dog Myxosarcoma
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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