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Dog First Aid

Veterinarian Reviewed on August 3, 2010 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog First Aid

Stuff happens! It doesn’t matter how cautious dog owners are, there will be times when your dog may injure themselves and need some help. Knowing first aid for your dog is vitally important. It doesn’t matter if your dog is suffering from Dog Heatstroke, gets a cut or meets an unfriendly foe and has a Bite Wounds on Dogs. There are things that need to be done. It is important to be prepared before an emergency strikes.

1. Cuts and scratches may seem minor but if not treated properly can lead to infections or worse. Apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. Do not apply a tourniquet. A tourniquet that is used improperly can cause injury or loss of limb, especially in smaller dogs. Do not rinse the wound with water. If there is a blood clot in place, you want to keep it there to prevent further bleeding. If the cut is too severe, you need to call your veterinarian.

2. Dog Diarrhea and Dog Vomiting if it occurs frequently will cause your dog to have Dog Dehydration. This is especially true of toy breeds. Check to see if there is blood in the stool. Consider the possibility that your dog has gotten into some type of poison. If vomiting occurs alone, try withholding food and water for about six hours. If it subsides, the event may be over. If it does not subside, you should get them to a vet. This is especially true in puppies or small breeds.

3. The risk of heat stroke is present during hot weather. If your dog begins panting, has Dog Difficulty Breathing or starts to make loud breathing noises, be on alert. If vomiting, bloody diarrhea or collapse takes place, common sense prevails. Get your dog out of the heat. Place wet towels over the entire dog and place a fan directly on your dog. Do not bathe your dog in ice water; this can cause the superficial blood vessels to constrict and actually cause the “core” internal temperature to increase, worsening the condition. Call your vet and take your dog in. It is possible that fluids will have to be administered intravenously if the dog is dehydrated.

4. Household toxins are in all homes. Simple foods like Dog Chocolate Toxicity, raisins, grapes and some plants, as well as household cleaning fluids, like Dog Bleach Poisoning, can be lethal to your dog. Dog Aspirin Poisoning and Dog Ibuprofen Poisoning are also toxic to dogs and can be fatal. The poison control center for dogs is (888)426-4435 Take your dog to a hospital immediately. Do not under any circumstances induce vomiting.

5. Automobile injuries are unfortunately too common in dogs. If your dog gets injured by an automobile and suffers Dog Paw Injuries, their treatment is much the same as for a human. If the animal is unable to move, place it on a board or other immovable object. A piece of plywood or other type board will do nicely. Strap them down to prevent further injury to neck or spinal cord. Remember also that an injured dog can lash out if in pain. It may be best to put a towel over the dogs head or create a muzzle with stockings or pantyhose.

First aid courses are available through the American Red Cross. It is important to be familiar with the Heimlich maneuver, and this is taught at these classes. The Red Cross teaches this course in many locations, and a visit to their website will let you know if your local chapter is offering them.

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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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