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Dog Raisin Toxicity

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Raisin Toxicity

Our dogs become more than just animals; they are generally considered a part of the family. Problems occur, however, when dog owners attribute human like tastes in to their dog’s diet. There are many foods that we eat which cause serious problems in a dog’s digestive system. Many people are aware of the dangers of Dog Chocolate Toxicity, but most are not aware that raisins and grapes can pose a threat as well. In fact, raisin toxicity in dogs can result in severe Dog Renal Failure, which means their kidneys will cease to function.

Causes of Toxicity from Raisins

The exact cause of this toxicity is still largely unknown. For some time it was believed that a mycotoxin was the root cause of the problem, however further testing of affected dogs showed no traces of these toxins in the dogs system. It has been shown that very small amounts of raisins or grapes can cause acute renal failure in some animals. As little as 1.1 ounces of grapes or raisins per kilogram of body weight can have devastating consequences.

Signs of Raisin Toxicity

The first signs that your dog may be in trouble is Dog Vomiting and Dog Diarrhea within hours of consuming grapes or raisin. Toxicity causes pain in the abdomen, which leads to vomiting and Dog Lethargy. You may notice small bits of raisins or grapes in the stool or vomit. Your dog can go into acute Dog Renal Failure within 48 hours of ingesting this fruit.

If you know that, your dog has ingested grapes or raisins you should call your vet immediately. The longer you wait the more likely your dog will suffer irreversible damage and even death. If caught in time your veterinarian should be able to treat raisin toxicity successfully.

Treatment for Raisin Toxicity

If you visit the vet within the first two hours of ingestion, the raisin toxicity is treatable. Most of the time your vet will induce vomiting to remove the offending fruit from their system. This can be done in a variety of ways but most generally with hydrogen peroxide. After causing the dog to vomit, activated charcoal may be used to absorb as much of the remaining toxins as possible. Potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorous in the system are closely monitored during the treatment phase. An overnight stay for further monitoring may be necessary. Kidney dialysis may be necessary as well. Your dog’s prognosis is guarded at best when they are showing signs of toxicosis.


The affects of grapes or raisins in animals are not as well known as they are in canines. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals poison control center recommends avoiding raisin or grape consumption in any amounts for dogs. There are simply too many unknowns to take the chance. While you may want to include your dogs in your day-to-day activities including snack time, it is simply not worth the risks to their health. Avoid giving your dog most human foods, but especially grapes, raisins and chocolate.

Read also: Dog Brachycephalic Syndrome
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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