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French Mastiff

Veterinarian Reviewed on December 22, 2007 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

French Mastiff.jpg

Physical Characteristics

Breed Group:

Working/Guardian group.


Females weigh at least 99 pounds or 45 kg and males weigh at least 110 pounds or 50 kg.


23-27 inches (58-68 cm) at the withers.


Standard colourings include dark auburn or fawn accompanied by a black or red mask. Some French Mastiffs also have white markings on their chest and feet.


The French Mastiff has a short and smooth coat of soft, fine hair.



French Mastiffs are very gentle and sensitive dogs. This breed is quiet and rarely barks but doesn’t like to be left alone or to have nothing to do. French Mastiffs are also courageous and very vigilant.

Country of Origin:



The French Mastiff originated in France and is one of the country’s oldest breeds. As the only mastiff hailing from France, it’s possible that this breed descended from the Spanish Mastiff and other similar breeds. The French Mastiff was primarily used for hunting and dogfighting during the Middle Ages and later was often used for guarding purposes by butchers. A standard for this breed was officially established in 1926.


This breed is also known as the Dogue de Bordeaux.


While this breed is great at guarding and does not like socialising with other dogs, it’s typically not aggressive. On the contrary, the French Mastiff has a calm disposition and forms a strong attachment to its owner. These dogs also love children.



Firm training is required to keep French Mastiffs under control.


This breed is very active and requires plenty of space and daily exercise.


These natural guard dogs are not suitable as house pets, as they require lots of space. French Mastiffs also require plenty of daily exercise. In order to prevent these dogs from becoming uncontrollable, firm training is necessary. When properly trained, these dogs are excellent and very affectionate companions. French Mastiffs like to be around their owners and dislike lack of activity. Their coats are easy to maintain and don’t require any special care.


No breeders listed at this time.

List of dog breeds

Read also: Chinese Shar-Pei
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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