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Cat Breeds: Havana Brown

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthaired Group. Weight: 6-10 pounds. Height: Havana Browns have medium sized bodies of average structure. Males tend to be slightly larger than females. Color(s): This breed is characterized by a rich, mahogany-brown color. Coat: Havana Browns have glossy and luxurious short coats. […]

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Cat Breeds: Exotic Shorthair

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthair Group. Weight: 9-12 pounds. Height: The size of these cats tends to be larger than average. Color(s): Exotic Shorthairs come in an array of different colors including blue, red, black, cream, chinchilla silver, and shaded tortoiseshell. Coat: This breed has a […]

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Cat Breeds: European Shorthair

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthaired Group. Weight: Approximately 8-20 pounds. Height: European Shorthairs tend to be slightly larger than average as compared to other cats. Color(s): These cats are available in many different colors, but black and blue are seen most frequently. Coat: European Shorthairs have […]

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Cat Breeds: Egyptian Mau

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthaired Group. Weight: Females weigh approximately 6 to 8 pounds while males can weigh as much as 12 pounds. Height: Egyptian Maus grow to an average size. Color(s): Bronze, silver, and smoke are the three standard colorings for Egyptian Maus, but these […]

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Cat Breeds: Devon Rex

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthair Group. Weight: Females weigh approximately 5-8 pounds while males weigh approximately 8-10 pounds. Height: Devon Rex cats grow to a medium size and height. Color(s): These cats come in many different colours, patterns, and colour combinations. Some common colours include blue, […]

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Cat Breeds: Cornish Rex

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthair Group. Weight: 6-8 pounds. Height: Cornish Rex cats are average-sized cats. Color(s): These cats come in many different colours and markings, but solid colours and bicolours are the most common. Coat: Cornish Rex cats have very unusual coats in the sense […]

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Cat Breeds: Colorpoint Shorthair

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthair Group. Weight: 7-9 pounds. Height: Colorpoint Shorthairs grow to an average size and have elegant bodies. Color(s): Numerous colors are accepted as standard for Colorpoint Shorthairs, including cream, red, blue lynx, lilac lynx, chocolate tortie, and seal tortie. Coat: Colorpoint Shorthairs […]

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Cat Breeds: Chartreux

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthaired Group. Weight: Males weigh approximately 9 kg while females weigh 3.5-6 kg. Height: Males grow to a large size while females grow to a medium size. Color(s): Chartreux come in a range of bluish-grey shades. Coat: Chartreux have unique coats — […]

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Cat Breeds: Chantilly/Tiffany

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care: 4 Breeders: Physical Characteristics Breed Group: The Chantilly/Tiffany is a member of the Longhair Group. Weight: 6-12 lb. (2.5-5.5 kg.) Height: The medium body is slender. Color(s): The coat was originally rich chocolate, but also includes cinnamon, blue, lilac and fawn with a range of colors and tabby […]

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Cat Breeds: California Spangled Cat

1 Physical Characteristics 2 Overview 3 Care 4 Breeders Physical Characteristics Breed Group: Shorthair Group. Weight: 12-16 pounds. Height: California Spangled Cats grow to a medium size as compared to other cats. Color(s): California Spangled Cats come in a wide range of different colorings with dark spots. Some common base colorings for these cats include […]

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