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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Acne

Dog Acne Many dog owners do not realize that their dogs can have acne, which normally affects their lips and chin. It is most common in younger puppies as they reach puberty, which can occur between 4 and 8 months of age, depending on the breed and size of the dog. These are benign, and […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Dog Acute Myeloid Leukemia You’ve heard the term Dog Leukemia, but do you really know what it means? In dogs, something called acute lymphoid is something that can develop very rapidly. Dogs may appear stressed out and even anxious, have a swelling of the lymph nodes, show a Dog Loss of Appetite, experience spontaneous bleeding, […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Adrenal Gland Tumor

Dog Adrenal Gland Tumor As a dog owner you want your dog to be healthy and well throughout their whole life, but unfortunately this doesn’t always happen. There are several different tumors and lumps that your dog can get, with some being normal and others being deadly. One type of tumor which is very common […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Adrenal Medulary Tumors

Dog Adrenal Medulary Tumors Adrenal glands are tiny glands that are buried in the fat in front of a dog’s kidneys. Their sole function is to regulate the use of specific hormones such as epinephrine, aldosterone and cortisol. These particular hormones interact with other hormones that support and influence other organs of the body. Each […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Aggression

Dog Aggression (Aggresive Canines) Signs and Symptoms Dog aggression is a very common problem and is one of most frequent reasons for having dogs put to sleep. This type of behavior can be troubling and upsetting for a pet owner, and many people have no idea how to properly and effectively deal with canine aggression. […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Alcohol Poisoning

Dog Alcohol Poisoning Dogs cannot tolerate ingesting alcohol as well as humans do as their metabolisms are not adapted to processing alcohol as ours have over mankind’s development. Depending on the amount consumed, a dog can suffer from alcohol poisoning rather quickly. Though we may like to enjoy the occasional beer or glass of wine, […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Allergy Testing

Dog Allergy Testing Dogs have allergies just as humans do. The problem with allergies in dogs though is getting them properly diagnosed. Unless a veterinarian is experienced in allergy testing, chances are you will have to find an animal dermatologist or a veterinarian in a larger metropolitan area to have the testing done. Types of […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Anal Gland Tumors

Dog Anal Gland Tumors Canine anal gland tumors, also referred to as perianal tumors, are growths typically found around the anus of a dog. They generally form on their own, and are not as a result of cancer elsewhere in the body. They can be benign or malignant. There are commonly two types of these […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Anemia

Dog Anemia Dog anemia can be a rather serious condition that may be caused by a variety of factors and diseases. An anemic dog will need veterinary care and special attention not only in terms of administering the absolute best treatment but also to determine the root of the problem before proceeding. What Causes Dog […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Anterior Uvea Tumor

Dog Anterior Uvea Tumors The uvea is the part of the eye that is directly behind the cornea. The iris, ciliary body and the choroid, which lies in the back of the eye, provides nutrition to the retina. The iris and ciliary body are anterior uvea and the choroid is the posterior uvea. Tumors that […]

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