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Veterinarian Reviewed on December 22, 2007 by Dr. Janice Huntingford


Physical Characteristics

Breed Group:

Northern group (UKC).


39.7-70.5 pounds (18-32 kg).


19-23.5 inches (48-52 cm).


Eurasiers come in all different colours and colour combinations. However, for showing purposes, pure white, pinto, and brown are undesirable.


This breed is characterised by a coat of medium length that stands slightly away from the body. The Eurasier also has a dense undercoat.



Eurasiers are reserved around strangers but are otherwise very friendly dogs. Intelligent and dignified, these dogs make excellent companions. While very stable and calm, Eurasiers love action and like participating in various activities.

Country of Origin:



This breed was developed in Germany during the 1950’s or 1960’s by Professor Julius Wipfel. To create the Eurasier, Wipfel crossed Chow Chows with Wolfspitzs and later Samoyeds as well. The Eurasier was introduced to France in 1973 and was recognized by the FCI in the same year.


Alternative names for this breed include Eurasian and Eurasian Dog.


Eurasiers are very calm and even-tempered animals. While wary of strangers, these dogs are not aggressive and are very gentle around children. Eurasiers become very attached to their owners and tend to be quite sensitive.



Eurasiers are very sensitive animals and don’t respond well to harsh words or harsh training techniques. These dogs should be trained by family members rather than by a stranger or unknown handler.


These dogs are calm indoors but they love action and require daily walks and exercise.


Eurasiers excellent pets and indoor dogs, as long as they get daily exercise. These dogs form strong bonds with their family members and don’t like to be left alone. Eurasiers should never be tied up or confined to a small space and should never be treated harshly. This breed is very friendly and gentle with children and loves to get involved in activities such as agility. Eurasiers like to be kept clean and require regular grooming.


No breeders listed at this time.

List of dog breeds

Read also: Barbet
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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