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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Cancer in Senior Dogs

Dog Cancer in Senior Dogs The leading cause of death in senior dogs is cancer. While you may not be able to prevent it from happening, you may possibly prevent it from spreading or getting larger. There are a few steps you will need to take. Cancer Prevention •It is very important to keep up […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Ceruminous Gland Tumors

Dog Ceruminous Gland Tumors This is a big word for a small part of the body. It is in the ear. The glands that produce wax in the ear are called ceruminous glands. These types of Dog Tumors are usually less than 1cm in size and are on a stalk. If the tumor grows, the […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Dog Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Carbon Monoxide poisoning in dogs can happen the same way it does in humans, for example when a dog is exposed to a vehicle’s exhaust when in a closed area such as a garage, or through a ventilation problem inside your house, or even airplane gas that is released and accumulated […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Cocoa Bean Mulch Poisoning

Dog Cocoa Bean Mulch Poisoning Cocoa bean mulch is another one of those things that many take for granted. However, the danger to your dog should not be taken for granted. The smell of the cocoa bean mulch is pleasant, which may be why you use it. It is also pleasant to your dog who […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Coccidia

Dog Coccidia Coccidia are parasites that can contribute to the infection of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs and other household pets and wildlife. They are host specific, meaning they cannot be spread among species (dogs cannot give it to cats and vice versa). There are several different species of the parasite that can affect animals. […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Chondrosarcoma

Dog Chondrosarcoma The rise in various Dog Cancers in canines in the United States is alarming and one type in particular has pet owners wondering how this is happening and what can be done about it. At a recent National Veterinarian’s Convention, this was a hot topic and led to some of the researchers in […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Chocolate Toxicity

Dog Chocolate Toxicity Most people are aware that chocolate can be toxic to dogs, but they don’t always realize just how little it takes to make a dog sick. Dogs are more likely to scarf down a brownie, for example, as they simply adore chocolate, and would never refuse it from you, nor would they […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Chiggers

Dog Chiggers Throughout the central parts of the U.S.A., there is a very common and annoying parasite known as Chiggers, scientifically known as the Trombicula mite. They have also been called harvest mites. They have the potential to bite dogs, cats, and people, and the bites cause extreme itching. Thankfully, although it is difficult to […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Cherry Eye

Dog Cherry Eye Signs and Symptoms What is called the third eyelid in dogs, is actually tissue that has various functions for healthy eyes and tear production. If this tissue collapses or even protrudes from the socket, the appearance is somewhat similar to the cherry fruit – which if you hadn’t guessed, is where the […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Chemotherapy Drug Side Effects

Dog Chemotherapy Drug Side Effects Chemotherapy treatments for Dog Cancer, does not have the same degree of side effects in dogs as it does in humans. Dogs are given lower doses than humans. Chemotherapy drug side effects will also vary with the drug used. The decision to use Dog Cancer Chemotherapy to treat cancer in […]

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