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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Larynx and Trachea Cancer

Dog Larynx and Trachea Cancer Tracheal and laryngeal cancers are progressive, slow growing, invasive tumors that occur in the trachea, (windpipe) or larynx (voicebox) of a dog. There is no known cause and they are actually quite rare in domesticated dogs. When they do appear, the dog is usually middle aged or in its more […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Lawn Chemicals

Dog Lawn Chemicals If you own a home and have a dog, you should be aware that the various items you use on your lawn, can cause harm to your dog. If you work hard on your lawn and use lots of chemicals to keep it healthy, you should always be aware of where your […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Lipomas

Dog Lipomas Lipomas are benign tumors that pop up in older dogs. Usually soft and well defined; they are right under the skin. They can appear anywhere on a dog’s body, but more frequently beneath the abdomen and chest. There are no breed specifics for a lipoma. They are most common in older female dogs. […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Liposarcoma

Dog Liposarcoma Definition Lipomas can be of three varieties. They can be benign, infiltrative or malignant. Malignant lipomas are called liposarcomas. They originate in the fat cells. They generally appear in a dog’s limbs but can also occur in other areas including a dog’s bones or the abdominal cavity. Cytological examination can distinguish them from […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an infectious disease that can be passed on by ticks. These ticks are the main carriers of a bacterium, B. burgdoferi, that can infect and harm dogs. 1 History of the Disease 2 Disease Transmission 3 Signs and Symptoms 4 Diagnosis and Treatment History of the Disease Lyme disease was first diagnosed […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Lymphoid Leukemia

Dog Lymphoid Leukemia Owning a dog is more than simply owning a pet, these animals become part of your life and family. If they get sick then you will want to do everything possible to save them and knowing about different illnesses and conditions is essential. There are some conditions which can be life threatening […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Lymphoma Cancer

Dog Lymphoma Cancer Signs and Symptoms Lymphoma is a common type of cancer occurring in dogs. It can occur in the organs or lymph nodes and leads to a high mortality rate if left untreated. The most successful form of treatment is chemotherapy which may add months or years to a dog’s life. Currently there […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Malignant Melanoma

Dog Malignant Melanoma Cells that produce pigment are called melanocytes. When these cells are out of control, they become melanoma. More common in dogs than it is in cats, it is important to keep a check on any changing growths on your dog. More common in the mouth, digits and skin, it can be very […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Mast Cell Tumors

Dog Mast Cell Tumors Mast Cells are cells that are normally produced by a dog’s body. They help the body to respond in situations such as Dog Allergies and inflammation. Although necessary for normal function of the body, they can be harmful to the body when produced to an excessive degree. Mast cell tumors can […]

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Dog Health, Dogs: Dog Melena

Dog Melena Black, tarry stools containing digested blood are called melena. This is not fresh blood. Melena can indicate a life threatening illness. This is especially true if it persists or if it gets worse. Melena begins when the bleeding is in the small intestine or the stomach. It is high in the digestive tract […]

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