Dog Larynx and Trachea Cancer

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Larynx and Trachea Cancer

Tracheal and laryngeal cancers are progressive, slow growing, invasive tumors that occur in the trachea, (windpipe) or larynx (voicebox) of a dog. There is no known cause and they are actually quite rare in domesticated dogs. When they do appear, the dog is usually middle aged or in its more senior years. It is also more common in male dogs than in female dogs.

Signs and Symptoms

Your dog will show signs of Dog Lethargy. There will be a noticeable change in your dog’s voice and your dog may not be able to bark anymore. Dog Coughs and drooling are also common. Your pet will not be as energetic and can become short of breath and have Dog Difficulty Breathing whenever they play excessively or exercise. They may also breathe solely through their mouth. In extreme cases a dog can become cyanotic, (gums and other mucous membranes turn blue) and collapse.

Procedures for diagnosis

Laboratory tests will be performed by your veterinarian. Initially a CBC will be done along with a chemical profile. Urinalysis will also be done. Ordinarily your vet will also take x-rays of the neck and chest.

These procedures will normally be followed by acquiring a sample of the fluids in the lungs. Under anesthesia your dog will have an endoscopy. This is a procedure during which a tube is placed down the dog’s throat to see any potential abnormalities. A biopsy will be obtained at that time. If these tests prove to be positive, a surgical biopsy will be performed. This will allow examination of a larger amount of affected tissue.


If the tumors of the trachea are small, they can be removed surgically. The removal of the larynx and surrounding tissue that is associated with the tumor is a more complex procedure. If this is done, there will have to be a tracheostomy performed. This is done in the neck and will allow your dog to breath fairly normally.

In some instances, radiation may be ordered. In an attempt to prevent secondary infection, your dog will be placed on antibiotics for a prolonged period.

Home care

Once your dog arrives home, it is important to follow your veterinarian’s directions exactly as they were given. Medication should be given as directed as well. This will most likely include Dog Pain medication to keep your dog as comfortable as possible.

These two types of Dog Cancer can be quite aggressive. The best prognosis will be a guarded one. It will depend on the size of the tumor and the location within your dog’s body.

Proper nutrition is very important to aid in recovery. Your dog has had a lack of appetite prior to treatment and will be in pain after treatment. This may prohibit your dog from having a desire to eat. There are prescribed diets that may be available from your veterinarian. These highly nutritious diets will help you to maintain a healthier level of nutrition in your dog.


Unfortunately there are no preventative measures that can be taken to prevent this type of Dog Chondrosarcoma. As with any disease process in a dog, the most important thing for a loving pet owner to do is to be observant of their dog’s behavior. If they are increasingly tired or if you notice that your dog is experiencing a Dog Loss of Appetite and has consequent Dog Weight Loss, you need to make arrangements to see your vet as soon as possible.

Suggested Products

Cancer Support Kit for Dogs
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Multi Essential Dog Vitamins
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Blue Longevity Adult Dog Food

Read also: Dog Prostate Cancer
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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