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General Pet Care: General Pet Care Articles

General information about caring for your pet. Administering Subcutaneous Fluid at Home Caring for a Paralyzed Animal Dental Home Care Euthanasia Immunotherapy Itch Relief Long Term Heart Failure Therapy Orphan Puppy and Kitten Care Pneumonia Management Pregnancy Termination

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General Pet Care: Administering Subcutaneous Fluid at Home

Overview In addition to a variety of other illnesses, animals suffering from chronic kidney disease will often require subcutaneous fluid administration. Essentially, subcutaneous fluid administration is the delivery of fluids below the skin of an animal (or human). Fluid administration is aimed at providing a sick patient with the necessary water to maintain bodily functions […]

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General Pet Care: Separation Anxiety

Overview Although almost any pet can suffer from separation anxiety, dogs are the most likely pet to develop this problem. Separation anxiety is basically your dog’s fear of being alone and there are several adverse behaviours associated with separation anxiety. In fact, most behavioural problems pet owners experience with dogs can often be attributed to […]

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General Pet Care: Pregnancy Termination

Overview If you have a pet that has not been sterilized then the fact is that pregnancy can happen. Many pet owners face this truth every day as they find themselves with a pregnant pet. For this reason, pregnancy termination is an important topic. Obviously, the best approach is prevention and you should have your […]

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General Pet Care: Pneumonia Management

Overview Pneumonia is a serious condition of the lungs that can affect both humans and animals. Pneumonia means inflammation of the lungs and can be caused a number of ways but is usually associated with some sort of infection. The 5 main causes of pneumonia are fungal, viral, parasitic, bacterial, and allergic. Fungal pneumonia is […]

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General Pet Care: Orphan Puppy and Kitten Care

1 Overview 2 Tips for Raising Puppies and Kittens 3 Feeding 4 Cleaning Overview If you’ve decided to adopt an orphaned puppy or kitten there are some special challenges you are likely to face. First of all, they may have suffered some problems socializing especially if they have been isolated from their litter mates. In […]

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General Pet Care: Long Term Heart Failure Therapy

Overview There are two recognized types of long term heart failure. Backward failure is when your heart can no longer pump blood and forward failure when your heart is unable to supply enough oxygen for the cells in your body. These definitions hold true for both humans and animals. Short Term Implications of Heart Failure […]

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General Pet Care: Itch Relief

Overview You may notice that your dog or cat is excessively licking, chewing, or scratching a particular area on its body. This can be a very uncomfortable act for your pet and probably indicates a problem with itching. Usually due to an allergic reaction, itching is a particularly common problem for pets that is often […]

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General Pet Care: Immunotherapy

Overview Just as humans, pets can suffer from allergies. While allergic responses in people tend to be much more severe, if your pet is suffering from an allergy you can be assured that they’re dealing with a great deal of discomfort. Immunotherapy can allow your pet to live allergy free and as a result be […]

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General Pet Care: Euthanasia

1 Overview 2 Who Can Help? 3 When Do I Euthanaize my Pet? 4 Grieving for your Pet Overview Often our pets become so ill that there is no course of treatment to prevent an extremely long and painful death. In cases such as these, many pet owners decide to take a more humane approach […]

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