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Cat Snake Bites

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Cat Snake Bites

Snakes are commonly found all across the country. In most cases, they aren’t poisonous and are of little concern to everyone. There are some cases where a snake bite can be a very dangerous thing and it must be treated as quickly as possible.

When a cat is bit, it is important to remember that, in most cases, it isn’t an instant death sentence. There is treatment that can be done to your cat to help them get better, but it has to be administered very quickly. The bite can be essentially very painful, and shouldn’t be ignored just so you can see if your cat gets better without any veterinary treatment. It is important that every dangerous snake bite be treated like a medical emergency.

In the First Moments

If you saw the type of snake that bit your cat, make a note of it. The vet will need this information to help them administer proper bite care. Never attempt to catch the snake yourself. When the snake has moved a safe distance from your cat avoid catching them or trying to get close enough to pick them up. This can cause additional bites to occur. Remember that the snake is just as scared as everyone else.

If the snake won’t move, check for a snake removal service in your local area and call it. In some cases, the only department available is animal control, and they can usually be contacted through your local police department. While they are on their way, notify your vet that you will be bringing in your cat.

When you have your cat safely away from harm, prepare to bring them into the vet. If your vet has offered you any advice, follow it. As you are following your vet’s advice, avoid doing some common mistakes that are made after a snake bite.

Movies have shown us that we should suck out poison or restrict the blood flow with a tourniquet. Both of these procedures are very dangerous and can harm your cat. With a tourniquet there is a higher risk for tissue damage because you are essentially restricting your cat’s blood flow. When you try to suck out the poison, it can infect the bite further, and it also opens you up for having the poison enter your system as well. In addition, you should never cut the wound open or place ice on the bite.

Taking Your Cat to the Vet

As you bring in your cat to the vet’s office remember they are scared. Don’t shout or force them to rush. You should remain calm and loving with your cat during this time instead. They will sense if you are upset and this will increase their Cat Stress And Anxiety which will help the poison to process faster.

When you arrive at the vet, make sure you approach the situation calmly and work with the staff trying to help your cat. They are just as interested in saving your cat as you are. If you shout at them or cause trouble it only prevents them from helping your cat get the attention that it needs the most.

Things to Consider for Treatment

The treatment process can be a difficult one for many cat owners. There are costs and medications that are involved. Antivenin is a common treatment for most toxic snake bites, but there is a cost associated with it, and for some bites they won’t work. If your vet suggests this treatment, take the time to discuss the process and what the cost will be, as well as what payment options you may have.

A snake bite can be a rough thing for many cats and their owners to deal with. Keep calm and show your cat comfort and love during this time. Your peace will keep them relaxed and help them make it through this frightening time.

Read also: Cat Intestinal Cancer
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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