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Dog Common Cancers

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Common Cancers

There are many different types of Dog Cancer that can affect dogs. Below are brief descriptions of each form of cancer that your dog could suffer from:

Abdominal Cancer

This form of cancer is common in all breeds of dogs. Abdominal cancers can affect the liver, spleen, intestines, and kidneys. It can be difficult to suspect these types of cancers, as the cancerous organs found in the abdominal area will also not be noticeable when your dog presents with a Dog Swollen Abdomen. However, a veterinarian will be able to check the organs during a physical examination. Taking your dog to the vet once or twice each year will help to detect abdominal cancer and treat it before it becomes an issue.

Bladder Cancer

Dog Bladder Cancer is most commonly found in dogs that are living in homes with owners, or other household members, who smoke. It is also seen more frequently in dogs whose owners overly expose them to flea and tick shampoos and dips, than in those that do not receive the treatments of these over the counter Dog Fleas and tick products. The ingredients of these items, namely from the petroleum, can cause bladder cancer in dogs. Of all dogs, the Scottish Terrier is the breed most likely to contract bladder cancer, being 20 times more at risk than other types of dog.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, or Dog Mammory Cancer, is more commonly found in dogs than other domesticated animals. It is the most common form of cancer to affect female dogs. It has been seen that 50% of dogs with breast cancer only have a small tumor, while the other 50% have a mass that spreads throughout the entire body. When breast cancer is found in dogs, 85% of the cases involve a metastatic tumor that affects many other parts of their body as well. Spaying dogs prior to their second heat cycle will help decrease their risk of breast cancer. When the cancer is removed with surgery, most vets eliminate all of the mammary tissues instead of just taking the one affected breast.

Skin Cancer

Tumors on the skin of dogs are the easiest to diagnose because they can be readily seen by the human eye. Outdoor dogs tend to be more at risk for skin tumors, but when any dog gets them, they are usually malignant. A common skin mass for dogs that is caused by sun damage is known as a Dog Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Dog Skin Cancer can also be caused by melanocytes and Dog Mast Cell Tumors.

Testicular Cancer

Unaltered dogs tend to be less at a risk for testicular cancer than altered dogs. There are times when a puppy will have an un-descended testicle. Having a testicle that has remained in the abdomen furthers the possibility of a dog getting this form of cancer. Other factors that can place a dog at a higher risk for testicular cancer include exposure to parasites, herbicides, and other environmental toxins. The prognosis is good for most dogs that have the cancer treated by removing the testicles with a surgical procedure.

Read also: Dog Nasosinal Cancer
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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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