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Dog Joint Support

Veterinarian Reviewed on August 26, 2010 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Joint Support

Why Do Dogs Need Joint Support?

Just like humans, dogs cats have to take care of their bones and joints as they age or issues like Dog Arthritis can occur. By providing their dogs with the proper nutrients and supplements, dog owners can keep their dog’s healthy and maintaining freedom of movement and the best quality life while in their senior years, as part of Caring for Aging Dogs.

Understanding the Skeletal System

Without a strong skeletal system, dogs can have a number of issues as they age. The skeletal system on dogs is similar to that of humans: bones meet at the joints and these joints allow an animal flexibility in their movements; allowing them to jump, walk, sit, stretch, run and more. To help protect the joints, cartilage acts as a shock absorber, and helps prevent grinding and wearing away caused by bones in the joints rubbing against each other. Of course, over a lifetime, the joints are subject to a lot of pressure and degenerative joint disease, or arthritis can occur.

Causes of Arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and it destroys cartilage, taking away the natural cushioning found between the joints. Stiffness is often an early sign of arthritis in dogs. Dog Limping, reluctance to move, problems climbing stairs and decreased activity may also occur. A number of issues can cause arthritis – some like genetics are unpreventable. Dog Hip Dysplasia for instance can be caused by genetic factors that cause the joints to weaken over time.

Others causes of arthritis, however, are often within the power of dog owners to treat. Dog Obesity, for example, puts a lot of extra stress on the joints of dogs and can cause arthritis. By not overfeeding their dogs, owners can prevent obesity from occurring in their dogs. If dogs are already obese, then dog owners can discuss calorie restriction options with their veterinarian. Exercise is also vital to joint health and by promoting daily exercise, dogs can improve their joint mobility which will in turn work to reduce the damage caused by arthritis; exercise will also help overweight dogs burn more calories.


Anti-inflammatory medications are efficient at reducing the inflammation caused by arthritis and thereby reducing the pain for suffering dogs. Supplements designed for joint support are one of the best methods of giving dogs a little extra protection against joint damage. Two of the most important ingredients found in joint support formulas is glucosamine and chondroitin, together these ingredients work together to create cartilage. Creatine, an amino acid that supports muscle growth is often found in joint support formulas to prevent muscle loss.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a form of sulfur used in supplements and perna mussel a shellfish are usually included in joint support products to stimulate cartilage production. Such products also tend to stimulate the production of strong bones and tendons and reduce joint degeneration.

Joint support formulas are safe for dogs and using a formula designed specifically for dogs is the best option. Formulas may also differ depending on size, for instance giant dog breeds and toy breeds have different joint needs and specific products for both can be found. Veterinary professionals often recommend administering joint support formulas at the first signs of arthritis in dogs and/or around 8 years of age in dogs who are not already displaying any symptoms. These formulas can be safely taken for the remainder of a dog’s life.

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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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