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Dog Pain

Veterinarian Reviewed on April 1, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Pain (Dogs in Pain)

It hurts you probably just as much as your dog when he is in pain. The difficulty is finding out why your beloved furry friend is in pain in the first place. Symptoms can and do vary from dog to dog. While some dogs whine if they are having their toenails clipped, others will go into their crate and stay away from people and other pets if they are experience any kind of pain; in other words, some dogs are more vocal about pain than other dogs are. Recognizing the possibility that your dog is in pain is the first important step.


The causes of pain in dogs may be due to an infinite number of issues. Any injury can cause pain, but if your dog is stoic and just goes to a quiet place, such as in his crate, such an injury can be difficult to detect. The obvious causes of pain are much the same as they are for humans. Your dog may start rubbing its ears or shaking its head a lot more than usual. Limping, Dog Diarrhea, difficulty passing stool and watery eyes are just a few of the many symptoms of an issue that can be causing your dog pain.

When a dog contracts corneal ulcers or Dog Glaucoma, there is a possibility of severe pain in the eyes. If a dog gets an Dog Ear Infections or something in their ears it can cause pain as well. Little things like splinters in their paws can cause pain and often you won’t see obvious changes, just subtle differences in your dog’s normal behavior.
Infections such as kidney infections or Dog Kidney Disease, intestinal issues or other internal problems are often undetected until they become most severe. A dog may cut themselves playing in the yard, or experience a Dog Bug Bites by an insect in their mouths. These can be hard to detect also until infection or swelling takes place.

Steps to take at home

Subtle changes in your dog’s behavior are the best signs that there may be a problem. A dog may suffer for a long time and not show any obvious changes so it is up to you to observe their behavior for these little changes. Sometimes changes in your dog’s appetite, such as in Dog Appetite Increase, may be the only sign of your dog being in pain. In other situations, your dog may no longer be interested in the things that intrigued him in the past. If your dog is panting or shaking for no obvious reason, it is time to see your vet.

Home remedies that humans take such as acetaminophen can cause serious internal injury and even death in dogs. Before administering any type of medication you need to check with your veterinarian first to see if it is OK to give to your dog.

Calling your Veterinarian

It is time to call your veterinarian when your dog shows obvious signs of pain such as whining or Dog Loss of Appetite or loss of energy/Dog Lethargy. Any obvious changes need to be addressed. Do not give your dog over-the-counter drugs without first checking with your veterinarian. If a dog has an intestinal problem or internal bleeding, a simple thing such as aspirin can worsen the problem. While humans take an aspirin as part of their daily routine, the blood thinning effects on dogs is much greater than that in humans.

In an effort to properly diagnose your dog’s problem, it is likely the veterinarian will perform blood tests or other tests such as x-rays. When the diagnosis is made, the veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate treatment and medications that your dog will need to recover. It is dangerous to take matters into your own hands when the signs of pain are present. The cause can be any number of things and often not what you believe to be obvious.

Read also: Dog Loss of Appetite
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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