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Dog Spleen Tumor

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Spleen Tumor

Spleen tumors are very aggressive. Hemangiosarcoma is the type of spleen tumor that is most common in dogs. There is little time after diagnosis that can be spared before treatment is begun. The spleen is a very vascular organ. It is the storehouse of blood. Its job is to remove damaged and old cells and this helps the immune system. It is also one organ that a dog can survive without. Hemangiosarcomas are formed in the blood vessels. It is very aggressive. It can also rupture which would cause the animal to bleed to death. Dogs will get it more often than cats and the Labrador Retriever, the Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd Dog all seem to be more prone to it.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of spleen tumors are not specific. They may have weakness, Dog Loss of Appetite and consequently Dog Weight Loss. There may be Dog Swollen Abdomen and even sudden death if it ruptures.


Early diagnosis is very important to improve the prognosis. The physical examination by your vet may reveal a mass in the abdomen. If so, x-rays and other imaging studies may be ordered if necessary.

Treatment Options

Surgery is the only treatment that proves to be successful. It may be followed by Dog Cancer Chemotherapy to slow the rate of metastasis in other organs. Most dogs will return to their homes within 48 hours after surgery. Bleeding is the most common complication and therefore your dog may receive transfusions before surgery. Often when the vet opens the abdomen their visual examination may reveal a significant amount of metastasis. It is then your decision as to whether or not the surgery should proceed. Realizing that the metastasis will continue to cause undo pain for your dog may lead you to the decision to euthanize your dog rather than put them through follow up treatment and continued pain. Or you may instead opt to provide Dog Palliative Cancer Care by improving the quality of your dog’s life.

If surgery cannot be performed for whatever reason, chemotherapy may be the only course available. This is often not successful. It is at these times that loving dog owners must decide if they are there for their dog; or if their dog is there for them.

Pain in Dogs with cancer

There is no doubt that any type of Dog Cancer in your dog will cause pain. The degree of Dog Pain varies with the location of the cancer and the treatment that you decide to pursue with the recommendation of your veterinarian. Cancer is not the only thing that causes the pain, but the treatment can cause pain as well. Post operative treatment will include a considerable amount of pain. Your vet will give you a prescription for analgesics to relieve pain. They should be given as directed. Prevention of the severe pain will enable your dog to continue with some of their normal activities.

A dog’s normal reaction to pain is a defense mechanism which will cause them to retreat and become distant from their normal activities. You, as a caring dog owner, can prevent this by controlling your dog’s pain. Things can happen quickly and you should observe your dog closely.

Diet during cancer and treatment

You need to discuss an adequate nutritional state for your dog. They will need adequate nutrition to maintain their immune systems which will help them fight the disease and maintain some of their normal activities. There are many different types of Dog Cancer Diets and Dog Cancer Dietary Supplements that can enhance your dog’s wellbeing.

Suggested Products

Cancer Support Kit for Dogs
Nu-Pet Vitamin and Anti-Oxidant Wafers for Dogs

Additional Dog Cancer Pages

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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