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Dog Kidney Stones

Veterinarian Reviewed on November 23, 2012 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones in Dogs

Kidney stones in dogs, or Nephrolithiasis, are characterized by the presence of stones, or renal calculi. The urinary system is responsible for removing liquid wastes from the dog’s body, and since a percentage of the mineral wastes are only a little soluble, crystals might form. When it takes a prolonged time for the crystals to move through the urinary system, interaction might occur, and kidney stones can then be formed.

Kidney Stone Causes

There are many different kinds of stones that can be found in dogs and cats. Usually, each stone type has its very own cause:

Kidney stones successfully removed from an elderly dog.

Although kidney stones can form in any dog, there is a slightly higher chance for females to get them, and most of time, the dog is middle aged when they present.

While any breed of dog can get kidney stones, some are predisposed to developing them, like the Miniature Schnauzer, Miniature Poodles, Lhasa Apso, Bichon Frise, Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, and Shih Tzu.

Kidney stones are often the result of concentrated urine and urine retention.

Signs of Kidney Stones

Some dogs might exhibit no symptoms at all, and often when pain is present in the abdomen, it is due to a concurrent urinary tract infection. If dogs have a very severe infection of the kidneys, Dog Kidney Disease or have kidney failure, they might be seriously sick.

How a Diagnosis is Made

  • Through doing a biochemical profile
  • Performing a bacterial urine culture
  • Through the use of X-rays
  • Doing a complete blood count
  • Performing an excretory urography or ultrasound of the abdomen

Treatment for Kidney Stones

The treatments for kidney stones in dogs will be dependent on the animal. If the kidney stones have been found and are not causing distress, the breakdown of the stones might be attempted through either diet or medicine. If this is attempted, the dog will need to be kept a close watch on, since not every stone might be dissolved.

If the animal is in the midst of kidney failure, or has other signs that are very severe, usually either lithotripsy or surgery will be used. If the dog is found to have concurrent UTIs, then therapy using antibiotics will be recommended. For those animals that are found to be suffering from Dog Dehydration, or are suffering from kidney failure, as well as those with infections which are severe, fluid therapy will then be used.

Pet Care at Home

If you are treating your pet at home with the use of medicine or diet to dissolve kidney stones, the routine has to be followed completely. Dogs cannot eat anything other than what the vet says, since this can undermine the effectiveness of the therapy. Be sure to give the dog all medication, and bring them back to see the vet when instructed. This can insure that the best results are achieved.

Read also: Dog Contact Dermatitis
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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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