Dog Synovial Cell Sarcoma

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Cell Sarcoma

Synovial cells are in the joints of your dog. Synovial cell carcinomas are those that occur within the joint capsule or within the tendon sheath. These particular cancers usually occur in the larger joints of dogs. Joints such as the shoulder, knee and elbow are the most commonly involved. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that any joint can be stricken with synovial cell sarcoma. Flat coated retrievers as well as the Golden Retriever seem to have a predisposition to the disease.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptom is lameness. However, lameness is a common symptom of many orthopedic maladies and therefore it can easily be overlooked for a prolonged period.


There has been controversy over the method of diagnosing synovial cell sarcoma. Veterinary oncologists use a method called immunohistochemistry. This localizes the proteins in the cells of the tissue with the use of antibodies, much like with Dog Immunotherapy Treatment. This process distinguishes it from other joint tumors.

Treatment Options

The recommended treatment for synovial cell sarcoma is amputation of the dog’s limb. There have been some studies on humans that indicate some benefit of Dog Cancer Chemotherapy on synovial cell sarcoma, but none in dogs. These locally aggressive tumors do have the ability to metastasize to other organs. Dogs with the tumors will have some metastasis in almost one third of the cases and over half at the time of death. Sarcoma of the soft tissues are prone to metastasis and survival is based on the stage of the cancer and the aggressiveness of the surgery.


Depending on the invasiveness to other organs such as lungs or lymph nodes, prognosis is not good. If metastasis has occurred, survival rate is about 6 months. Without metastasis, survival is about 36 months. Amputation will prolong your dog’s survival time considerably.

Pain in Cancer

Pain and cancer go hand in hand. Untreated Dog Pain will compromise your dog’s quality of life. Recovery from illness or surgery will also be prolonged. The veterinary team treating your dog is responsible for prescribing medication to relieve the pain. It is up to you, the dog’s owner, to carry out the veterinary instructions to keep your dog completely comfortable and pain free. Pain management ultimately falls upon the owner and you must be aware of your dog’s activities and comfort. Pain should be anticipated before it begins. After surgery or after treatment, there will be pain. If your dog is medicated before these procedures, recovery will be a lot easier.

Managing your Dog’s Nutritional Needs

Due to the discomfort caused by most tumors, your dog may have a Dog Loss of Appetite, difficulty swallowing and digestive problems. Working closely with your vet will help to ensure adequate nutrition. Proper nutrition will keep your dog stronger, maintain a better quality of life and help in avoiding complications from surgery. As with humans, proper nutrition will speed up the healing process as well.

Dogs with cancer need to consume Dog Cancer Diets that are specifically designed for adequate nutritional support, and Dog Cancer Dietary Supplements should also be given to your dog. A well fed dog will also be more likely to have a less suppressed immune system which is vital to speed up recovery and prevent post-treatment complications.

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Our Expert

Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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