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Dog Increased Urination

Veterinarian Reviewed on March 29, 2014 by Dr. Janice Huntingford

Dog Increased Urination

If you notice a change in your dogs urinary output, close observation is in order. Although it can be as simple as your dog having Dog Increased Thirst, consuming more water because of salt consumption or hot weather (such as with Dog Heatstroke), there are other conditions, some life-threatening that can also cause this.

Polyuria is the high urine production in dogs. Polydipsia is the increased thirst in dogs. Although most of the time these are not due to some serious underlying condition, your veterinarian is the only one who can determine if it is hepatic disease (Dog Liver Disease), or Dog Renal Failure (Dog Kidney Disease).

Causes for an increase in water consumption or urination

• Sudden dietary changes, such as an increase in salt consumption.

• Exposure to heat.

• Heavy activity.

Dog Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). It may also occur with other bladder diseases.

• Dog kidney diseases. This is a primary reason in some older dogs.

Dog Diabetes.

• Medications such as prednisone or lasix.

Dog Hyperthyroidism.

Dog Cushings Disease or Dog Addisons Disease.

• Any disease of the liver.

• Older female dogs and may have an infection of the uterus called pyometra. If you have spayed dogs, then this not an issue.

• Congenital abnormalities are the primary cause. These would be associated with tumors, an increase in steroid production or one of the hormonal disorders such as Dog Hyperthyroidism.

• A condition known as Vesicouracahal deiverticula can occur in the birthing process or in the womb of the dog. This will create high pressure on the bladder and urinary tract infections or urethral plugs can be the cause.

There is no age at which some of these causes may occur. The only defense against these life threatening conditions is to observe your dogs behavior and if there is a large increase in thirst or urination.

Your veterinarian is the only one who can determine the exact cause of increased urination or water consumption in your dog. If there is a noticeable persistent change, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.


Your veterinarian will obtain a CBC (complete blood count) after giving your dog a full examination and measure both intake and output over a period of time. A urinalysis (urine test) will also be done. X-rays or other imaging may be done to determine structural abnormalities. Dog Dehydration will appear as a more concentrated red blood count in your dog. Often this can be resolved through the administration of intravenous fluids.

If your dog is drinking too much water it would not seem possible that they could be dehydrated, but it is possible. This is an indication of kidney failure.


Most treatments will be done on an outpatient basis at home. If the threat of liver or kidney failure has been ruled out and there is an absence of other serious medical conditions, your primary task will be to keep track of your dog’s hydration. If there are signs of dehydration you may have to administer some electrolytes.

It would be most convenient to list a group of preventative measures, but in fact, there are none. If you notice your dog drinking more and urinating more, your only recourse is to take your dog to the vet. You can rule out excessive exposure to heat or increased activity levels. All other illnesses must be confirmed with lab tests and a thorough examination.

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Dr. Janice Huntingford
Janice Huntingford, DVM, has been in veterinary practice for over 30 years and has founded two veterinary clinics since receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has studied extensively in both conventional and holistic modalities. Ask Dr. Jan

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